ПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЯ, 2020, том 54, № 6, с. 514-521.
Удк 576.895.2 / 576.32/.36
© 2020 O. B. Arowoloa, ⁕, B. R. Mohammeda, b, *, M. N. Oparaa
aDepartment of Parasitology and Entomology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Abuja, P.M.B 117, Abuja
bFormerly of School of Sciences, Engineering and Technology Abertay University,
DD1 1HG, Dundee, United Kingdom
* e-mail: balarabemohammed161@yahoo.co.uk
Received 30.03.2020
Received in revised form 15.07.2020
Accepted 09.10.2020
A cross sectional study was carried out in September 2017 April 2018, in Gwagwalada abattoir to
determine prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. in slaughtered cattle. Six hundred and forty eight (648)
cattle were subjected to standard meat inspection procedures for the presence of Paramphistomum spp.
Parasites were determined during initial examination and then determination was clarified microscopically
to appreciate the morphology of adult Paramphistomum spp. The overall prevalence of Paramphistomum
spp. in the study was (59.7 %). The prevalence was higher in male than in female cattle with prevalence of
51.4 % and 48.6 % respectively. A statistically significant difference (P<0.05) in prevalence of
Paramphistomum spp. due to season of sampling, and to cattle species, sex, and age was observed.
The highest infection rate of cattle with Paramphistomum spp. was observed in October. The revealed
high infection rate of cattle with Paramphistomum spp. testifies to an intensive transmission of these
parasites in the region, potentially resulting in immense economical losses in the area examined.
Therefore, it is recommended to cattle breeders to improve feeds provision in order to obtain good
body condition providing sufficient level of resistance against Paramphistomum infections. Integrated
control approach using selected anthelmintic therapy and snail control to reduce the magnitude of the
problem is also recommended.
Keywords: Paramphistomum spp., prevalence, cattle, Gwagwalada, Nigeria
DOI: 10.31857/S123456780606005X
In Nigeria, 13.9 million cattle population provides not only the main source of animal
proteins; by-products, such as bones and skins also play a vital role in economic well-being
of the human populace (Sani, 2009; Lawal-Adebowale, 2012). A considerable socio-economic
importance is therefore attached to ownership of these animals that in some cases may be the
only realizable wealth of a rural household (Omeke, 1988; Bettencourt et al., 2015). Their
production is however constrained by a variety of gastrointestinal helminthes, which are
characterized by decrease in milk production, reduced product quality, mortality and other
secondary infections (Saha et al., 2013). Helminthes including trematodes are known to be
potential health hazard to cattle population and are therefore major impediment to efficient
livestock production, characteristically affecting their growth and productive performances
(Bisset, 1994; Charlier et al., 2015).
Among the plethora of Trematodes, Paramphistomum infection is established to have a
devastating effect to cattle production globally, but the highest prevalence has been reported in
tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in Africa including Nigeria (Khedri et al., 2015;
Elelu et al., 2016). The epidemiology of Paramphistomum infection in cattle is determined
by several factors governed by parasite-host-environment interactions (Martinez-Ibeas et al.,
2016). Adults of Paramphistomum are found in the rumen and reticulum whilst immature
parasites are found in the duodenum. Adult Paramphistomum flukes parasitize mainly in the
fore stomachs of cattle causing irregular rumination (ruminitis), lower nutrition conversion,
loss of body condition, decrease in milk production, and reduction of fertility rate (Mogdy
et al., 2009; Ayalew et al., 2016). The immature flukes occur in the upper part of the small
intestine (duodenum and ileum) causing hemorrhage, which leads to anaemia, weight loss,
decreased production; death of animals may also occur (Maitra et al., 2014).
The taxonomy of paramphistomes has been extensively studied by light and electron
microcopy, yet there are still areas where consensus is lacking. The major species that cause
the disease include Paramphistomum cervi (Zeder, 1790), P. cotylophorum (Fischoeder,
1901), P. gotoi Fukui, 1922, P. gracile Fischoeder, 1901, P. hiberniae Willmott, 1950,
P. ichikawai Fukui, 1922, and P. epicitum Fischaedar, 1904. The ones that are predominantly
found in Africa are P. cervi and P. microbothrium Fischoeder, 1901 (Smyth, 1996). Although
Paramphistomum infection outbreaks in different communities have been extensively studied
in different states in Nigeria (Biu, Oluwafunmilayo, 2004; Bunza et al., 2008; Njoku et
al., 2009; Adedipe et al., 2014; Afolabi et al., 2017; Shola et al., 2020), there is paucity
of information on the prevalence of this parasite in the Federal Capital Territory. This
is essential for the design of an effective control strategy. The study was conducted to
determine prevalence of Paramphistomum species in cattle slaughtered at Gwagwalada
abattoir, Abuja, Nigeria.
Materials and methods
The study was carried out in Gwagwalada Area Council, one of the six councils of the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja - Nigeria. It is located geographically in the central part of Nigeria
between latitude 8°25'-9°9' N and longitude 6°29'-7°45' E. It has a Guinea Savannah type of vegetation,
with rainy season stretching from April to October and dry season from November to March. The climate
of the study area is tropical: non-arid climate with only two seasons throughout the year: wet and dry.
The mean temperature in the study area ranges between 30-37 °C yearly with the highest temperature
in March and the mean total annual rainfall of approximately 1650 mm per annum (NPC, 2006).
A cross sectional study was carried out on slaughtered animals in Gwagwalada abattoir for 3 days
in a week during early dry season (September-December 2017) and 2 days in a week during the late
dry season (January-April, 2018). The animals were randomly selected for sampling. Six hundred and
forty-eight (n = 648) cattle slaughtered in Gwagwalada Area Council abattoir, Abuja, Nigeria were
examined for the presence of Paramphistomum species. Adult worms were collected from the rumen
and reticulum of the animal sampled using a standard meat inspection procedure that involves both
primary and secondary examination.
Ante mortem inspection was carried out in animals before slaughter, to assess them generally.
During the ante mortem examination, detail records about the species, sex, age, and breeding status
of the animals were recorded. Ageing of the cattle was based on rostral dentition as described by
Lasisi et al. (2002). Cattle aged (˂ 3 years old) were classified as young while (> 3 years old) were
considered as adults. Sexual differentiation was based on the appearance of external genitals while
breed identification was based on morphology as described by Yunusa et al. (2013).
Rumen of slaughtered animals selected to be sampled were inspected for the presence of rumen
flukes. The collected flukes were transported to the laboratory in plastic containers with 10 % formalin.
The flukes were washed several times in running tap water to remove debris and ruminal content.
The flukes were later prepared for identification under stereomicroscope. Furthermore, collected flukes
were preserved for further identification.
Rumen and reticula were systematically inspected for the presence or absence of adult
Paramphistomum to estimate fluke burden using standard meat inspection procedures which include
primary and secondary examination. The primary examination includes visualization and palpation.
During the secondary examination further incision of the rumen and reticulum was made to check
presence or absence of Paramphistomum spp. as described by Urquhart et al. (1996).
Rumen flukes were preliminarily identified under microscope using low power magnification
and then slides were prepared for detailed morphological studies and identification. Flukes collected
in Petri dishes were observed using stereoscope to appreciate the morphology. Final identification
of Paramphistomum was done based on morphological features, such as shape, posterior sucker
(acetabulum), anterior sucker, terminal genitalium and tegumental papillae following the standard
guidelines given by Urquhart et al. (1996).
Data Analysis
Data were collected during the study and fed into a computer using Microsoft excel
spreadsheet and analyzed with Statistical software (SPSS - 20.0). Descriptive statistics
was employed and expressed in terms of frequency and simple percentage. Chi square (χ2),
ANOVA (F-Test), and t-test statistics were used to test the relationship between variables.
The overall prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. in cattle slaughtered at Gwagwalada
abattoir was 59.1 %. Higher prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. was recorded in adult
cattle (62.0 %) than in young ones (42.1 %). There was statistically significant difference
(P < 0.05) in the prevalence of Paramphistomum between two age groups and female cattle
showed a higher prevalence (61.0 %) than male (57.4 %). Similarly, there was no statistically
significant difference between the breeds examined (P > 0.05) (tabl. 1). Identification result
showed statistically significant variation in prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. between
both sexes (P < 0.05) (tabl. 1).
Table 1. Prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. in cattle slaughtered in Gwagwalada abattoir
Sample parameter
No. examined (%)
No. infected (%)
P- Value
95 (14.7)
40 (42.1)
0.001 ª
553 (85.3)
343 (62.0)
383 (59.1)
343 (52.9)
197 (57.4)
0.000 ª
305 (47.1)
186 (61.0)
383 (59.1)
374 (57.7)
216 (57.8)
152 (23.5)
95 (62.5)
70 (10.8)
41 (58.6)
52 (8.0)
31 (59.6)
383 (59.1)
*not significant at α = 0.05, ªsignificant at α = 0.05, * t - test, **chi square (χ2).
Key: WF - White Fulani, ND - Ndama, SG - Sokoto Gudali, K - Keteku.
The infection rate is higher during early dry season (October-December), reaching its
peak in the rainy season (tabl. 2).
Table 2. Monthly prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. in cattle slaughtered
at Gwagwalada Area Council abattoir, Abuja
Cattle examined
Infected cattle
In this study, the overall prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. was 59.1 %; similar high
prevalence (56 %) was recorded in Sokoto, Northern Nigeria (Bunza et al., 2008), 51.82
% in Ethiopia (Ayalew et al., 2016), and 53.1 % in Bangladesh (Paul et al., 2011). Lower
prevalence rate was however, recorded in Turkey (8.95 %), Spain (18.8 %), and France (20
%) by Ozdal et al. (2010), González-Warleta et al. (2013) and Szmidt-Adjidé et al. (2000),
respectively. The great variability shown in both cases is probably due to ecological and
climatic differences between different locations throughout the continents of Africa, Asia
and Europe. The other most important factors that influence the occurrence of trematodes
in an area include availability of the suitable snail habitat (Dodangeh et al., 2019).
Findings of this study are in accordance with the reports of Davila et al. (2010), Raza
et al. (2010) and Al-Shaibani et al. (2008) who had also revealed higher prevalence of
helminthes in female. In this study, variation in occurrence of such helminthes in males
and females might be due to variation in sample size (Bachal et al., 2002), stress, genetic
resistance of host and insufficient/imbalanced feed against higher needs (Raza et al., 2010).
Higher prevalence among females may be explained by loss of immunity during pregnancy,
birth and lactation (Alade, Bwala, 2015).
The study did not identify any statistically significant difference in the rate of infection
among the breeds (P > 0.05) examined.
Monthly prevalence showed that infection rate was higher in October and gradually
fell down in November and increased in March. Similar work by Gul-E- Nayab et al.
(2017) showed that prevalence of Paramphistomum spp. was highest in cattle in March
and the lowest in November. Similar work by Chaudhri (2000) showed that there was
significant decrease of the rate during raining season. It has been described that the bionomic
requirements for breeding of Planorbis snails and development of intramolluscan stages of
flukes often reach the optimum threshold during the wet months (Radostits et al., 2000).
However, during dry periods, breeding of snails (intermediate hosts) and development of
larval flukes slow down or stop completely and snails undergo the aestivation state (Boray,
1994; Urquhart et al., 1996).
Although a decrease in prevalence was observed along with the advancement of dry
season, relatively high prevalence rates were recorded, this may be due to infections acquired
during previous peak of the snail activity season. The present study agrees with the finding
of Akanda et al. (2014), who reported that parasitic infestation was highest in rainy season
followed by summer and winter season.
In this study, Paramphistomum spp. was found to be prevalent in cattle. This will be a
hindrance to the livestock production by causing remarkable direct or indirect losses in the
study area. Moreover, the study area is suitable for the survival of the molluscan hosts that
worsened the situation for the future. Therefore, taking into account the aforementioned
conclusion, integrated control approach using selected anthelmintic therapy and snail control
should be implemented to reduce the magnitude of the problem. In addition, awareness of
the cattle breeders about the disease should be raised to enable them actively participate
in control programs.
The authors wish to acknowledge the management and staff of the Gwagwalada Area
Council abattoir and village for their kind permission and coorperation to use their facilities
for the research.
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Зараженность видами Paramphistomum
крупного рогатого скота на скотобойне в Гвагвалада
(Абуджа, Нигерия)
О. Б. Ароволо, Б. Р. Мохаммед, М. Н. Опара
Ключевые слова: Paramphistomum spp., зараженность, крупный рогатый скот,
Гвагвалада, Нигерия
В период с сентября 2017 г. по апрель 2018 г. на скотобойне Гвагвалада было проведено
обследование забитого крупного рогатого скота для определения зараженности Paramphistomum
spp. Стандартной инспекции мясопродуктов на наличие Paramphistomum spp. подвергнуто 648
особей. Найденных паразитов определяли при первичном обследовании и уточняли при микро-
скопировании. Общая зараженность крупного рогатого скота Paramphistomum spp. в период
исследования составила 59.1 %, причем зараженность самцов была выше (51. 4%), чем самок
(48.6 %). Статистически значимые различия (P < 0.05) в зараженности Paramphistomum spp.
животных обнаружены в разные сезоны, а также в зависимости от их вида, пола и возрас-
та. Наибольшее заражение крупного рогатого скота Paramphistomum spp. отмечено в октябре.
Выявленный высокий уровень заражения животных Paramphistomum spp. свидетельствует об
интенсивной трансмиссии этих паразитов в регионе, что может привести к огромным экономи-
ческим потерям. Поэтому животноводам рекомендуется улучшить обеспечение выращиваемых
животных кормами, что позволит повысить их устойчивость к заражению Paramphistomum
spp. При этом необходимо проводить комплексные мероприятия по селективной глистогонной
терапии и борьбе с улитками - промежуточными хозяевами Paramphistomum spp.