ПИСЬМА В АСТРОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 2021, том 47, № 6, с. 428
The First Light Curve Solutions and Period Study of BQ Ari1
© 2021 г. A. Poro1,2*, F. Davoudi1,2, F. Alicavus3,4, S. Khakpash5,
E. M. Esmer6, O. Basturk6, E. Lashgari1, J. Rahimi1, Y. Alada ˘g7,
N. Aksaker7,8, A. Boudesh1, M. Ghanbarzadehchaleshtori1,
A. Aky ¨uz7,9, S. Modarres1, A. Sojoudizadeh1, M. Teke ¸s7, A. Solmaz10
1The International Occultation Timing Association Middle East section, Iran
2Astronomy Department of the Raderon Lab., Burnaby, BC, Canada
3Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics,
17020, Canakkale, Turkey
4Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Astrophysics Research Center and Ulupınar Observatory,
17020, Canakkale, Turkey
5Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA
6Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department,
TR-06100, Tandogan, Ankara, Turkey
7Space Science and Solar Energy Research and Application Center (UZAYMER), University of Cukurova,
01330, Adana, Turkey
8Adana Organised Industrial Zones Vocational School of Technical Science, University of Cukurova,
01410, Adana, Turkey
9Department of Physics, University of Cukurova,
01330, Adana, Turkey
10Space Science and Solar Energy Research and Application Center (UZAYMER), University of Cukurova,
01330, Adana, Turkey
Поступила в редакцию 13.02.2021 г.
После доработки 10.04.2021 г.; принята к публикации 13.05.2021 г.
The first analysis of the photometric observation in BVR filters of a W UMa type binary system BQ Ari
was performed. Light curve analysis was performed using Wilson-Devinney (W-D) code combined with a
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to determine its photometric and geometric elements and their uncertainties.
These results show that BQ Ari is a contact binary system with a photometric mass ratio q = 0.548 ± 0.019,
a fillout factor f = 24 ± 0.8%, and an orbital inclination of i = 85.09 ± 0.45. We used the parallax from
Gaia EDR3 for calculating the absolute parameters of the binary system. This study suggested a new
linear ephemeris for BQ Ari, combining our new mid-eclipse times and the previous observations, which
we analyzed using the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) method. We present the first analysis of the
system’s orbital period behavior by analyzing the O-C diagram using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the
MCMC approaches in OCFit code. We attempted to explain the analysis of the residuals of linear fit in the
O-C diagram with two approaches; “LiTE + Quadratic” and “Magnetic activity + Quadratic.” Although
we consider the magnetic activity to be probable, the system should be studied further in order to reveal the
nature of orbital period variations.
Keywords: Techniques: photometric; Stars: binaries: eclipsing; Stars: individual: BQ Ari.
DOI: 10.31857/S032001082106005X
1Полная версия статьи публикуется только в английской версии журнала (Astronomy Letters v. 47, № 6, 2021).
*E-mail: iotamiddleeast@yahoo.com, info@iota-me.com