Ботанический журнал, 2019, T. 104, № 8, стр. 1299-1312


T. A. Mikhaylova 1*, I. V. Sokolova 1

1 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
197376 St. Petersburg, Prof. Popova Str., 2, Russia

* E-mail: mikhaylovat@mail.ru

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The article presents the data on the type and authentic specimens of algal names published in the first half of the 20th century by Russian and Soviet phycologists, namely A.A. Elenkin, N.N. Woronichin, E.S. Sinova and A.I. Proschkina-Lavrenko, and conserved in the Algal Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (LE). The specimens were collected in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, Barents Sea, White Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Japan, in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, on Commander Islands and in the inland waters of Western Siberia and Turkmenistan. The inventory comprises 113 specimens of 35 validly published taxa, including 9 holotypes, 91 syntypes, 4 original specimens, 1 envelope with original images, and 8 authentic specimens. In addition, 6 specimens of 4 unpublished taxa are listed.

Keywords: LE, Algal Herbarium, type collection, authentic specimens, Elenkin, Woronichin, Elena Sinova, Proschkina-Lavrenko

The article is the first in a series of publications on the type and authentic specimens of algal names conserved in the Algal Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (LE). This article presents the data on the specimens examined in the first half of the 20th century by Russian and Soviet phycologists, namely Alexander Alexandrovich Elenkin (1873–1942), Nikolai Nikolaevich Woronichin (1882–1956), Elena Stepanovna Sinova (1869–1941) and Anastasia Ivanovna Proschkina-Lavrenko (1891–1977). These authors published the original descriptions of 35 taxa (Woronichin, 1908, 1909, 1915; Sinova, 1912, 1916, 1918, 1922a, b, c, 1928, 1938, 1940a, b, 1941a, b; Elenkin, Danilov, 1915; Woronichin, Chachina, 1929; Prosсhkina-Lavrenko, 1945). The specimens were collected in the Russian seas: Black Sea (4 taxa/7 specimens), Sea of Azov (1/13), Barents Sea (7/11), White Sea (1/12), Bering Sea (1/1), Sea of Japan (14/39), in Kamchatka (1/2), Sakhalin (2/3), on Commander Islands (6/27), and also in the inland waters of Western Siberia (1/3) and Turkmenistan (1/1).

The following inventory comprises 113 specimens of 35 taxa validly published by the above-mentioned authors, including 9 holotypes, 91 syntypes, 4 original specimens, 1 envelope with original images, and 8 authentic specimens. In addition, 6 specimens of 4 unpublished taxa are listed.

Within the groups of higher ranks (Cyanoprokaryota, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, Phaeophyceae), the taxa are arranged in the alphabetical order of generic names, specific and infraspecific epithets. Each taxon is accompanied by following information:

1. The earliest validly published Latin name (in bold italics), with taxonomic citation (the author of the name, year of publication, abbreviated title of book/periodical, reference to the page and sometimes to illustration(s)).

2. Quotation from the protologue with data on the locality, habitat, collection date(s) and number(s), and collector’s name (or the institution whose staff collected the specimen) if available. The protologues are quoted in their original script (Russian protologues in Cyrillic though in modern spelling) followed by English translation of the Russian texts and transliteration of geographical and personal names in square brackets when the original Russian text is not accompanied by that in Latin or any European language, or if those texts are far different.

3. The region from which the taxon was described.

4. The category of the specimen, with the number of specimens in brackets, if more than one. We use the following categories: “holotype” (Turland et al., 2018: Art. 9.1); “syntype” (Turland et al., 2018: Art. 9.6); “original specimen”, i. e. the specimen that was available to the author prior to, or at the time of, preparation of the validating description or diagnosis (Turland et al., 2018: Art. 9.4), “original material” (original element other than specimen), and “authentic specimen”. The last term is not defined in the “International Code of Nomenclature…” (Turland et al., 2018), and we use it in the sense close to its definition in the glossary “Terms used in Bionomenclature” (Hawksworth, 2010: 33): “specimens or cultures subsequently identified or supplied by the author of the name”, or when the date of identification of the specimen by the author of the taxon is unknown.

5. Standardized text of the specimen label: the taxon name, locality, date of collection, name(s) of collector(s); additional information if available (owner of the collection, the institution whose staff collected the specimen, number of the specimen (sample, station); subsequent critical identifications with their authorship). Like the protologues, the labels are quoted in their original script followed by English translation. In cases of discrepancies in geography, dates, numbers and other disparities between the labels and the protologues, appropriate notes are given.

6. The number of barcode in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (LE).

Sinova (1938, 1940a, b) used abbreviated names of scientific institutions rather than collectors’ names in the protologues, therefore we give the key to these abbreviations with the years of the research trips and names of the collectors cited in the labels below.

ТНПС (Тихоокеанская научно-промысловая станция) – Pacific Research and Commercial Station in 1925–1926. Research trip on the Sea of Japan in 1925, collector I. Zaks.

ТОНС (Тихоокеанская научно-промысловая станция) – Pacific Research and Commercial Station in 1928–1929. Research trip on the Sea of Japan in 1928, collector G. Gayl.

ТИРХ (Тихоокеанский институт рыбного хозяйства) – Pacific Fisheries Institute in 1929–1934. Research trips on Commander Islands in 1929–1932, collector E.A. Kardakova, and on the Sea of Japan in 1932–1934, collectors E.A. Kardakova and Robenko. The abbreviation of the Pacific Fisheries Institute was later changed to ТИНРО.


Aphanothece salina Elenkin et A.N. Danilov, 1915, Izv. Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Velikago, 15(2): 180–183, fig. 1 .

Protologue: “Turkestan. In lacu salino Molla-Kara prope st. Dzhebel ab A.N. Danilov anno 1914 abundanter lecta… Туркестан. Соленое озеро курорта Молла-Кара в окрестн. ст. Джебел Закаспийской жел. дороги”. – Described from Turkmenistan.

Holotype: “Aphanothece salina Elenk. et Danil. sp. nov. Туркестан. Закаспийская обл., близ ст. Средн. Аз. ж. д. Джебел, Курорт Молла-Кара, Большое озеро, проба 3a, 18 IV 1914, leg. А.Н. Данилов [Turkestan. Transcaspian Oblast, near Dzhebel station of Central Asian railway, Molla-Kara Resort, Bolshoye Lake, sample 3a, 18 IV 1914, leg. A.N. Danilov]”, LE A0000001.

Dzensia salina Woron., 1929, Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada S.S.S.R., 28: 155–158, fig. 3–8 .

Protologue: “Водоросль встречается в озере Кучук в колоссальном количестве; выброшенная на берег, образует на нем род “кожи” [The alga is found in Kuchuk Lake in colossal quantities; if cast ashore forms a sort of “skin” on it]… Hab. In lacu salino Kučuk dicto, guv. Tomsk Siberiae occidentalis, leg. A. Dzens-Litovskij [28 VII – 15 VIII 1927]”. – Described from Western Siberia.

Note. The dates of collection are listed by Woronichin in the introduction of the article.

Original material (originals of the images published as a part of the protologue): “Dzensia salina, gen. et sp. nov. Woronichin. Озеро Кучук Кулундинской степи, Н. Воронихин [Kuchuk Lake of the Kulunda steppe, N. Woronichin]”, LE A0000002.

Authentic specimen: “Dzensia salina. оз. Кучук, берег [Kuchuk Lake, shore], № 17, 31 VIII 1931, Woronichin”, LE A0000003.

Authentic specimen: “Dzensia salina Woronich. Восточный берег озера Кучук, № 32, 23 VII 1932, Б. Исаченко, Н. Воронихин [Eastern shore of Kuchuk Lake, № 32, 23 VII 1932, B. Isachenko, N. Woronichin]”, LE A0000004.


Enteromorpha maeotica Proshk.-Lavr., 1945, Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 5(10–12): 150–154. fig. 26–33 .

Protologue: “URSS. Ukraina. Mare Asovianum (Maeotis palus) apud Geniczesk, sinus Ultuc, Sivasch ubi Enteromorpha maeotica ad aquilegium Czongar propagatur. In locis littoralibus tenuiaqualibus in cochleis… Местонахождение. Эта водоросль наблюдалась мной летом в северо-восточной части Азовского моря, в Молочном и Утлюкском лиманах и в Сиваше (1934, 1936, 1937, 1939 гг.). Обитает она только на мелких прибрежьях, покрытых ракушняком. Местами встречалась обильно, например у г. Геническа, на берегу Арабатской стрелки [Locality. I observed this alga in summer in the northeastern part of the Sea of Azov, in the Molochniy and Utluksky firths and in the Sivash Bay (1934, 1936, 1937, and 1939). It inhabits only shelly substrate in shallow waters. Occasionally occurs in plenty, e. g. near the town of Genichesk and on the shore of the Arabat Spit]”. – Described from the Sea of Azov.

Syntypes (13): “Enteromorpha maeotica Pr.-Lavr. Азовское море, залив Генического канала у Генической Слободки, 9 VIII 1937, А. Прошкина-Лавренко [Sea of Azov, Bay of Genichesky Canal near Genicheskaya Slobodka, A. Proschkina-Lavrenko]”, LE A0000005 – LE A0000017.

Note. The specimens are collected on different dates specified in their original labels: 20 VII and 9 VIII 1937; 20 and 29 VII 1939.


Delesseria commandorensis E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 216–217, fig. 8 .

Protologue: “Растет на каменистом и скалистом грунтах в сублиторальной зоне. Остров Беринга, бухта Половина (ТИРХ) [Grows on stony and rocky substrates in the subtidal zone. Bering Island, Polovina Bay (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from Commander Islands.

Holotype: “Delesseria Comandorensis Sinova n. sp. О-в Беринга, б/х Половина, № 32, 30 I 1930, leg. Е. Кордакова [Кардакова], det. Е. Зинова [Bering Island, Polovina Bay, № 32, 30 I 1930, leg. E. Kordakova [Kardakova], det. E. Sinova]”; “A. Zinova. Notae criticae: Yendonia commandorensis (E. Sin.) A. Zin.”, LE A0000018.

Delesseria crassifolia Rupr. f. pulcherrima E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 95–96, fig. 21 .

Protologue: “Растет в сублиторальной и литоральной зонах на каменистом грунте, на глубине 6–35 м. Уссурийский залив (ТНПС), о. Аскольд у мыса Ступенчатого (Шмидт); бухта Владимира, близ мыса Ватовского (Тар[асов]); мысы Сосунова, Гиляк (ТОНС) [Grows in the subtidal and intertidal zones on the rocky substrate, at depths of 6–35 m. Ussuri Bay (Pacific Research and Commercial Station), Askold Island near Stupenchaty Cape (Schmidt), Vladimira Bight near Vatovsky Cape (Tar[asov]), Sosunova and Gilyak capes (Pacific Research and Commercial Station)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntype: “Delesseria crassifolia Rupr. f. pulcherrima Sinova nov. f. Японское море, Уссурийский залив, № 68, пр. 18, 9 IX 1925, leg. Закс, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Ussuri Bay, № 68, sample 18, 9 IX 1925, leg. Zaks, det. E. Sinova]”; “Congregatocarpus pacificus Mikami probably tested by A. Zinova”, LE A0000019.

Syntype: “Delesseria crassifolia Rupr. f. pulcherrima Sinova nov. f. № 69+(68+45), пр. 18, 19[9 ] IX 1925, leg. Закс, det. Е. Зинова [sample 18, 19[9 ] IX 1925, leg. Zaks, det. E. Sinova] ”, with a glass slide, LE A0000020.

Syntype: “Hydrolapathum sanguineum (Stack.) J. G. Ag., Delesseria?, цистокарпы. В окрестностях Владивостока, № 45, пр. 19, 19[9 ] IX 1925, leg. И. Закс, det. Е. Зинова [cystocarps. Environs of Vladivostok, № 45, sample 19, 19[9 ] IX 1925, leg. I. Zaks, det. E. Sinova] ”, with a glass slide, LE A0000021.

Note. Despite a different name on the label of the third syntype, we believe all these specimens to belong to the same gathering, because Sinova wrote the numbers of all three specimens: “№ 69+(68+45)” on the second specimen. We attribute the discrepancies in the collecting dates on general labels to the misreadings of pencil field labels, and regard 9 September 1925 as the right date.

Delesseria rossica E.S. Sinova, 1918, Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R., 18(1): 41–44, 1 pl.

Protologue: “Местообитания. В сублиторальной зоне на каменисто-илистых или каменисто-песчаных с примесью ила грунтах, а также на скалах и каменистых грядах, на глубине 5–15 саж. Плодоношение в июле. Местонахождения. Унская губа – Пертоминский монастырь (Двинский залив); Кандалакша; Ковда; Горелая губа; Старцева губа; Канское море, о-ва: Санталов и Крекалий [Habitats. In the subtidal zone on rocky-silty or rocky-sandy substrates with admixture of silt, as well as on rocks and stony ridges, at depths of 5–15 fathoms. Sporulation in July. Localities. Unskaya Inlet – Pertominsky Monastery (Dvina Bay); Kandalaksha; Kovda; Gorelaya Inlet; Startseva Inlet; Kanskoye More Bight, Santalov and Krekaliy islands]”. – Described from the White Sea.

Syntypes (3): “Delesseria rossica Sinova nov. sp. Белое море, Кандалакшский зал., губа Ковда [White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay, Kovda Inlet], № 94, 1916, E. S. Sinova”, LE A0000022 – LE A0000024.

Syntypes (9): “Delesseria rossica Sinova. Белое море, Ковда, Старцева губа, 1916, Е.С. Зинова [White Sea, Kovda, Startseva Inlet, 1916, E. S. Sinova]”, LE A0000025 – LE A0000033.

Gelidium latifolium Bornet f. globosa Woron., 1909, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp., 40(3–4): 196–197.

Protologue: “Гербарии. Переяславцева ([18 ] 89; “G. corneum Lmx.”); Баженов ([1 ] 908). Местнооб. На камнях, на линии уровня воды. Местонах. Севастополь, Рейд (Баж[енов]. Ворон[ихин]); Севастополь – Сухум; Гудауты (Пер[еяславцева]). Кол. № 90. Сентябрь. 1908 [Herbaria. Perejaslawzewa ([18 ]89; “G. corneum Lmx.”); Bazhenov ([1 ]908). Habitat. On stones, on the water level. Localities. Sevastopol, Roadstead (Bazh[enov]. Wor[onichin]); Sevastopol – Sokhumi; Gudauta (Per[ejaslawzewa]). Collection № 90. September. 1908] ”. – Described from the Black Sea.

Syntype: “Gelidium latifolium Born. f. globosa Woronich. Севастополь. Рейд, 13 IX 1908, Н. Воронихин [Sevastopol. Roadstead, 13 IX 1908, N. Woronichin]”, LE A0000034.

Syntypes (2): “Gelidium latifolium Born. f. globosa Woronich. Mare Nigrum, № 5.0; 59, 11 XII 1889, leg. Perejaslawzewa, det. Woronichin”; “Gelidium corneum Lam. var. [det. Perejaslawzewa]”, LE A0000035, LE A0000036.

Original specimen: “Gelidium latifolium f. globosa. Mare Nigrum, № 5, 1907, N. Woronichin”, LE A0000037.

Gracilaria multipartita (Clemente) Harv. f. prolifera E. S. Sinova, 1938, Trudy Gidrobiologicheskoy ekspeditsii ZIN AN SSSR 1934 g. na Yaponskoye more, 1: 57, fig. 4 .

Protologue: “Растет массами на каменистом грунте и в литоральной зоне. Бухта Преображения (ТИРХ) [Grows abundantly on stony substrate and in the intertidal zone. Preobrazheniya Bay (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntype: “Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. prolifera Sinova n. f. Японское море, б/х Преображения, литораль, № 206, 2 I 1933, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Preobrazheniya Bay, intertidal zone, № 206, 2 I 1933, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000038.

Syntype: “Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. prolifera Sinova. Японское море, б/х Преображения, камни, глуб. 1 метр, 2 I 1933, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Preobrazheniya Bay, stones, depth 1 m, 2 I 1933, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000039.

Syntypes (2): “Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. prolifera Sinova. Японское море, б/х Преображения, 2 I 1933, leg. Е. Кардакова, Робенко, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Preobrazheniya Bay, 2 I 1933, leg. E. Kardakova, Robenko, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000040, LE A0000041.

Gracilaria multipartita (Clemente) Harv. f. supernedilatata E. S. Sinova, 1941, Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 5(7–9): 124–125.

Protologue: “Mare Japonicum, sinus Sjaouchu, insula Petrov. Anno 1931 a cl. E.A. Kardakova lecta… Японское море, залив Сяуху, о. Петрова. Собрала в 1931 г. Е.А. Кардакова. Растет дерновинками на каменистом грунте в верхней части литоральной зоны [Grows in turfs on stony substrate in the upper part of the intertidal zone]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Note. The year in the protologue is probably incorrect. E.A. Kordakova was a collector in the expeditions of the Pacific Fisheries Institute in Syaukhe Bay, Preobrazheniya Bay, Petrova and Beltsova islands only in 1932–1934 (Sinova, 1940a).

?Syntype: “Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. supernedilatata Sinova. Японское море, о. Петрова, камни береговой части. Кустами. Глуб. 0.20 до 1 м, XII 1933, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Petrova Island, stones on the shore. Bushy. Depths 0.2–1 m, XII 1933, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A 00000042.

Note. The image of this specimen was published at the repeated description (Sinova, 1953: 100–102, fig. 2 ), with the same habitat and locality as in the protologue. This subsequent paper was prepared for publication after the death of E. S. Sinova by her niece A.D. Zinova.

?Syntype: “Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. supernedilatata Sinova, Rhodymenia stenogona – probably tested by L. Perestenko. Японское море, о. Петрова, XII 1933, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Petrova Island, XII 1933, leg. E. Kordakova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000043.

Original specimens (3): “Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. supernedilatata Sinova. Японское море, залив Сяухе, о-в Петрова, 1935, leg. Робенко, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Syaukhe Bay, Petrova Island, 1935, leg. Robenko, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000044 – LE A0000046.

Grateloupia pulchra E. S. Sinova, 1941, Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 5(7–9): 123–124.

Protologue: “Mare Japonicum, sinus Preobrazhenija. Anno 1931 a cl. E.A. Kardakova lecta… Растет в литоральной зоне на каменистых уступах крутого берега [Grows in the intertidal zone on stony steep cliffs]. Японское море, бухта Преображения. Собрала в 1931 г. Е.А. Кардакова”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

See the note to Gracilaria multipartita f. supernedilatata.

Holotype: “Grateloupia pulchra Sinova sp. nov. Японское море, бухта Преображения (ТИНРО), det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Preobrazheniya Bay (Pacific Fisheries Institute), det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000047.

Note. The image of this specimen was published at the repeated description (Sinova, 1953: 106–107, fig. 5 ), with the same habitat and locality as in the protologue.

Iridaea obtusiloba E. S. Sinova, 1938, Trudy Gidrobiologicheskoy ekspeditsii ZIN AN SSSR 1934 g. na Yaponskoye more, 1: 52, fig. 2 .

Protologue: “Растет в литоральной зоне на скалистом грунте, в полосе прибоя. Остров Петрова (ТИРХ) [Grows in the intertidal zone on rocky substrate, in the surf. Petrov Island (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Holotype: “Iridaea obtusiloba E. Sinova. Japan Sea, on the west coast of Petrov Island, on rocks, on places opened to surf, 26 VIII 1932, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E.S. Sinova”; “Iridaea cornucopiae P. et R., tested by L. Perestenko 17 X 1984”, LE A0000048.

Authentic specimen: “Iridaea obtusiloba Sinova. Охотское море, б/х Ногаева, № 28, 1930, leg. Ушаков, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Okhotsk, Nagaeva Bight, № 28, 1930, leg. Ushakov, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000049.

Iridaea ruprechtiana E. S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 206–207, fig. 5 .

Protologue: “Растет на каменистом и скалистом грунтах, а также на раковинах Balanus, в литоральной зоне. Остров Павла (Postels, 1849); о. Беринга (Гур[ьянова]; ТИРХ); Входной риф (Гур[ьянова]) [Grows on stony and rocky substrates, as well as on the Balanus shells, in the intertidal zone. St. Paul Island (Postels, 1849); Bering Island (Gur[janova], Pacific Fisheries Institute); Vkhodnoy Rif Cape (Gur[janova])]”. – Described from Commander Islands.

Syntype: “Iridaea Ruprechtiana Sinova. St. Paul… 1849, leg. Postels, det. E. Sinova, 1933”; “A. Zinova. Notae criticae: Cirrulicarpus gmelini (Grun.) Tokida et Masaki”, LE A0000050.

Syntype: “Iridaea Ruprechtiana Sinova n. sp. Командорские о-ва, о. Беринга, с. Никольское, выкидная, № 208, 24, 12 V 1929, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Bering Island, Nikolskoye, cast ashore, № 208, 24, 12 V 1929, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”; “Cirrulicarpus ruprechtianum, tested by L. Perestenko”, LE A0000051.

Syntype: “Iridaea Ruprechtiana Sinova. Командорские о-ва, о. Беринга, с. Никольское. Выброс. № 24, 12 IV 1929, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Bering Island, Nikolskoye, cast ashore, № 24, 12 IV 1929, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”; “Cirrulicarpus ruprechtianum, tested by L. Perestenko”, LE A0000052.

Syntypes (2): “Iridaea Ruprechtiana Sinova. Командорские о-ва, о. Беринга, Входной риф, восточный берег, на Balanus в литорали, № 145, 13 III 1931, leg. Е. Гурьянова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Bering Island, Vkhodnoy Rif Cape, east shore. On Balanus in the intertidal zone, № 145, 13 III 1931, leg. E. Gurjanova, det. E. Sinova]”; “Cirrulicarpus ruprechtianum, tested by L. Perestenko”, LE A0000053, LE A0000054.

Iridaea ruprechtiana E. S. Sinova f. angustifolia E. S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 207.

Protologue: “Растет эпифитно на стволиках Thallassiophyllum, в нижней части литоральной зоны (Кордакова [Кардакова]). Остров Беринга, с. Никольское, о. Медный, за Подплечевыми столбами (ТИРХ); Восточная сторона Входного рифа (Гур[ьянова]) [Grows as epiphyte on the stipes of Thallassiophyllum in the lower part of the intertidal zone (Kordakova [Kardakova]). Bering Island, Nikolskoye, Medny Island behind the Podplechevye pillars (Pacific Fisheries Institute); east side of Vkhodnoy Rif Cape (Gur[janova])]”. – Described from Commander Islands.

Syntype: “Iridaea Ruprechtiana Sinova f. angustissima [sic!] Sinova. Командорские о-ва, о. Медный, б/х Преображенская, эпифит на стволе Thallassiophyllum, № 25, 2 XII 1930, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова, 1935 [Commander Islands, Medny Island, Preob-razhenskaya Bight, epiphyte on the stipe of Thallassiophyllum, № 25, 2 XII 1930, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova, 1935]”, LE A0000055.

Syntypes (2): “Iridaea Ruprechtiana Sinova f. angustifolia Sinova. Командорские о-ва, о. Медный, за Подплечевыми столбами. Литораль; на Thallassiophyllum в средней части ствола, № 164, 79, 24 III 1931, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Medny Island behind the Podplechevye pillars, intertidal zone, on the middle part of the stipe of Thallassiophyllum, № 164, 79, 24 III 1931, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”; “A. Zinova. Notae criticae: Cirrulicarpus gmelini (Grun.) Tokida et Masaki”; “Cirrulicarpus ruprechtianum, tested by L. Perestenko”, LE A0000056, LE A0000057.

Pterosiphonia hamata E. S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 222–224, fig. 9, 10 .

Protologue: “Растет на скалах и рифах в литоральной зоне. Остров Беринга, Китовая бухта, мыс Северный (Гур[ьянова]); о. Медный, бухта Преображения [Преображенская] (ТИРХ) [Grows on rocks and reefs in the intertidal zone. Bering Island, Kitovaya Bight, Severnyi Cape (Gur[janova]); Medny Island, Preobrazhenskaya Bight (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from Commander Islands.

Syntype: “Polysiphonia [sic!] hamata Sinova. О-в Медный, б/х Преображенская, № 69, 3 V 1931, leg. Е. Кордакова [Кардакова], det. Е. Зинова [Medny Island, Preobrazhenskaya Bight, № 69, 3 V 1931, leg. E. Kordakova [Kardakova], det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000058.

Syntypes (2): “Pterosiphonia hamata E. Sinova. Командорские о-ва, о-в Беринга, риф Китовой бухты, 6 IV 1931, leg. Е. Гурьянова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Bering Island, reef of Kitovaya Bight, 6 IV 1931, leg. E. Gurjanova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000059, LE A0000060.

Syntypes (11): “Pterosiphonia hamata Sinova. Берингово море, риф Китовой бухты, выброшенная волнами на песок, № 209, 6 IV 1931, leg. Ев. Гурьянова, det. А. Зинова [Bering Sea, reef of Kitovaya Bight, cast ashore, № 209, 6 IV 1931, leg. Ev. Gurjanova, det. A. Zinova]”, LE A0000061 – LE A0000071.

Syntype: “Pterosiphonia hamata Sinova. Командорские о-ва, о-в Беринга, Китовая бухта, 1931, leg. Е. Гурьянова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Bering Island, Kitovaya Bight, 1931, leg. E. Gurjanova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000072.

Syntype: “ Pterosiphonia hamata Sinova. О-в Беринга, 1930, leg. Е. Гурьянова, det. Е. Зинова [Bering Island, 1930, leg. E. Gurjanova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000073.

Ptilota californica Rupr. f. media E.S. Sinova, 1922, Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R., 1(8): 122.

Protologue: “Местообитание. Скалистый и каменистый грунт сублиторальной зоны. Местонахождение. Залив Петра Великого, бухта Находка (Комаров); о-в Сахалин, пост Дуэ (Августинович) [Habitat. Rocky and stony substrate of the subtidal zone. Locality. Peter the Great Bay, Nakhodka Bay (Komarov); Sakhalin Island, Doue Post (Augustinowicz)] …Sinus Petri Magni in “Nachodka” leg. cl. Komarov; ad oras insulae Saghalin a cl. Augustinovicz lecta”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntype: “Ptilota californica Rupr. f. intermedia [sic!] Sinova. Lai Dui auf Sachalin, 1872, leg. Augustinowicz, det. Е. Зинова [E. Sinova], 1916”, LE A0000074.

Note. The epithet “intermedia” in the original determination written by Sinova was subsequently overwritten to “media” in paler ink, most probably by Sinova’s hand as well. Therefore we consider the above-cited specimen as a syntype of P. californica f. media.

Ptilota californica Rupr. f. robusta E.S. Sinova, 1922, Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R., 1(8): 122.

Protologue: “Местообитание. Сублиторальная зона на каменистом грунте. Местонахождение: о-в Сахалин, пост Александровский на рейде парохода (Парчевский); о-в Сахалин, пост Дуэ (Августинович) [Habitat. Subtidal zone on stony substrate. Locality: Sakhalin Island, Alexandrovsky Post on the steamship roadstead (Parchevsky – possibly Palchevsky?); Sakhalin Island, Doue Post (Augustinowicz)] …Ad oras insulae Saghalin a cl. Augustinovicz et Parczevski lecta”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntype: “Ptilota californica Rupr. f. robusta Sinova. Lai Dui auf Sachalin, 1870, leg. Augustinowicz, det. Е. Зинова [E. Sinova], 1916”, LE A0000075.

Ptilota plumosa C. Agardh f. intermedia E.S. Sinova, 1916, Izv. Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Veli-kago, 16(2): 421.

Protologue: “Местообитания. В сублиторальной зоне на глубине 2–15 саж. Прикрепляется к камням, скалам, раковинам и к черешкам крупных водорослей. Местонахождения. Кильдинский пролив, Вост. Лица, Новая Земля, Маточкин Шар (Ниман), Вайда-губа и др. [Habitat. In the subtidal zone at depths of 2–15 fathoms. Attached to stones, rocks, shells and to the stipes of large algae. Localities. Kildin Strait, East Litsa, Novaya Zemlya, Matochkin Shar (Niman), Vaida-Guba, etc.”. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Syntype: “Ptilota plumosa (L.) Ag. f. intermedia mihi. Окр. Мурм[анской] Биол. Ст., о-в Кильдин. Сублитор[аль] (10 саж[еней]), 3 VII 1911, Е. Зинова [Environs of the Murman Biological Station, Kildin Island, subtidal zone (10 fathoms), 3 VII 1911, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000076.

Note. Two specimens of Ptilota pectinata are mounted on the same sheet, and identified by E. Sinova.

Rhodophyllis dichotoma (Lepech.) Gobi f. intermedia E.S. Sinova, 1912, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp., 43, Ser. 3, Sect. Bot., 1: 268, fig. 27 .

Protologue: “Местонахождения. В Кольском заливе: Оленьи острова (скудно на глубине 2 саж. на Ptilota plumosa и Lithothamnion intermedium); между о-вами Сальный и Шуринов (в изобилии нa Lithothamnion soriferum и L. murmanicum и Ptilota pectinata (глуб. 40 саж.); между о-в Торос и банкой Большая Воронуха (в изобилии на Phymatolithon polymorphum 25–35 саж.); о-в Кильдин (сев. сторона) и Кильдинский пролив (сланцевый грунт и галечно-ракушечный на 10–15 саж. глубины); Вайда-губа (изобилие, сланцевый грунт на 10–15 саж. глубины), Гаврилово, Восточная Лица (экземпляры роскошно развитые и крупные f. latiloba); Лумбовские острова Мурм. бер. (Чернышев) [Localities. In the Kola Bay: Olenyi Islands (sparsely at a depth of 2 fathoms, on Ptilota plumosa and Lithothamnion intermedium); between Salnyi and Shurinov islands (in plenty on Lithothamnion soriferum, L. murmanicum and Ptilota pectinata (depth 40 fathoms), between Toros and Bolshaya Voronukha islands (in plenty on Phymatolithon polymorphum, depth 25–35 fathoms); Kildin Island (northern side) and Kildin Strait (shale and pebble-shell substrates, at depths of 10–15 fathoms); Vaida-Guba (in plenty, shale substrate, at depths of 10–15 fathoms), Gavrilovo, East Litsa (thriving and large specimens f. latiloba); Lumbovskiye Islands of the Murman shore (Chernyshev)]”. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Note. The localities listed in the protologue mainly refer to the species as a whole; only for f. latiloba two ones are specified, Gavrilovo and East Litsa.

Syntypes (2): “Rhodophyllis dichotoma (Lepech.) Gobi f. intermedia Sinova. Кольский зал., окрестности Мурманской биологической станции, о-ва Сальный и Шуринов, элиторальная зона (глуб[ина] 70 с[аженей]), 7 VIII 1909, Е. Зинова [Kola Bay, environs of the Murman Biological Station, Salny and Shurinov islands, subtidal zone (depth 70 fathoms), 7 VIII 1909, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000077, LE A0000078.

Rhodophyllis dichotoma (Lepech.) Gobi f. latiloba E.S. Sinova, 1912, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp., 43, Ser. 3, Sect. Bot., 1: 268, fig. 26 .

Protologue: “Гаврилово, Восточная Лица (экземпляры роскошно развитые и крупные f. latiloba) [Gavrilovo, East Litsa (thriving and large specimens f. latiloba)]”. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Note. For the other possible localities, see the protologue under Rhodophyllis dichotoma f. intermedia.

Syntypes (2): “Rhodophyllis dichotoma (Lepech.) Gobi f. latilobia [sic!] Sinova. Восточная Лица, Червянная губа, Мурман, сублиторальная зона (глуб. 8–10 саж.), 24 VI 1911, Е. Зинова [East Litsa, Chervyannaya Inlet, Murman, subtidal zone (depth 8–10 fathoms), 24 VI 1911, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000079, LE A0000080.

Rhodophyllis dichotoma (Lepech.) Gobi f. tenuiloba E.S. Sinova, 1912, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp., 43, Ser. 3, Sect. Bot., 1: 268, fig. 28 .

Protologue: see under Rhodophyllis dichotoma f. intermedia. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Syntypes: (2): “Rhodophyllis dichotoma (Lepech.) Gobi f. tenuilobia [sic!] Sinova. Кольский зал., окрестности Мурманской биологической станции, о-ва Сальный и Шуринов, элиторальная зона (глуб[ина] 70 с[аженей]), 7 VIII 1909, Е. Зинова [Kola Bay, environs of the Murman Biological Station, Salniy and Shurinov islands, subtidal zone (depth 70 fathoms), 7 VIII 1909, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000081, LE A0000082.

Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. angusta E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 83–84, fig. 16 .

Protologue: “Растет в литоральной зоне, на каменистом грунте. Остров Петрова (ТИРХ) [Grows in the intertidal zone, on stony substrate. Petrov Island (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Holotype: “Японское море, залив Сяухе, о-в Петрова, северо-западная сторона острова, на валунах литорали, № 195, 15 XII 1932, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Syaukhe Bay, Petrov Island, southwestern side of the island, on the intertidal boulders, № 195, 15 XII 1932, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000083.

Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 82–83, fig. 14, 15 .

Protologue: “Произрастает массами в литоральной зоне, на каменистом грунте. Бухта Ольги у мысов Чудинова, Пещурова, Линдена, Шкота, Мраморного, у о. Чихачева, залив Владимира, у всех мысов, бухта Преображения, у мыса Афонькина (Зин[ова]); мысы Первенец, Моленная пядь, Страшный (ТОНС) [Grows abundantly in the intertidal zone, on stony substrate. Olga Bay at the Chudinov, Peshchurov, Linden, Shkot, Mramorny capes, near Chikhachev Island, Vladimir Bay, at all capes, Preobrazheniya Bay, at Afonkina Cape (Sin[ova]); Pervenets, Molennaya Pyad, Strashnyi capes (Pacific Research and Commercial Station)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntypes (2): “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova. Яп[онское] море, б/х Ольги у м. Чудинова, 1926, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Olga Bay near Chudinov Cape, 1926, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000084, LE A0000088.

Syntype: “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova nov. f. Японское море, зал. Ольги, у м. Линдена, 1926, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Olga Bay, near Linden Cape, 1926, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000094.

Syntypes (2): “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova nov. f. Яп[онское] море, б/х Ольги, 1926, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Olga Bay, 1926, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000085, LE A0000086.

Syntypes (2): “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova. Японское море, б. Владимира, 1926, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Vladimir Bay, 1926, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000090, LE A0000091.

Syntype: “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova nov. f. Японское море, м. Первенец, грунт камень, глубина 6 метров, № 265, 26 VI 1928, leg. Г. Гайл, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Pervenets Cape, stones, depth 6 m, № 265, 26 VI 1928, leg. G. Gayl, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000092.

Syntypes (2): “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova. Японское море, б. Владимира, 1931, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Vladimir Bay, 1931, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000087, LE A0000089.

Syntype: “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. horrida Sinova nov. sp. [sic!] Японское море, б. Владимира, у всех мысов, 1932, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Vladimir Bay, at all capes, 1932, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000093.

Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. lingulata E.S. Sinova, 1938, Trudy Gidrobiologicheskoy ekspeditsii ZIN AN SSSR 1934 g. na Yaponskoye more, 1: 58–59, fig. 5 .

Protologue: “Растет на каменистом грунте в литоральной зоне. Бухта Преображения (Е.С. З[инова]); о. Петрова (ТИРХ) [Grows on rocky substrate in the intertidal zone. Preobrazheniya Bay (E.S. S[inova]); Petrov Island (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Authentic specimen: “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. lingulata Sinova nov. f. Японское море, б/х Ольги, 1931, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Olga Bay, 1931, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000095.

Note. The year indicated on the general label is 1926.

Authentic specimen: “Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. f. lingulata Sinova f. n. Японское море, б/х Ольги, у м. Чудинова, 1926, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Olga Bay, near Chudinov Cape, 1926, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000096.

Schizymenia dubyi (Chauv. ex Duby) J. Agardh f. clavaeformis E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 230–231. fig. 11 .

Protologue: “Растет в нижней части литоральной зоны на каменистом грунте, прикрепляется к камням и раковинам Balanus. Тетраспорангии развиваются в мае–июне. Остров Медный (ТИРХ) [Grows in the lower part of the intertidal zone attached to the stones and shells of Balanus. Tetrasporangia develop in May–June. Medny Island (Pacific Fisheries Institute)”. – Described from Commander Islands.

Holotype: “Schizymenia Dubyi (Chauv.) J.G. Ag. f. clavaeformis Sinova n. f. Командорские о-ва, о-в Медный, нижняя литораль, на камнях, № 155, 163, 28, 7 V 1931, leg. Е. Кардакова, det. Е. Зинова [Commander Islands, Medny Island, lower intertidal zone, on stones, № 155, 163, 28, 7 V 1931, leg. E. Kardakova, det. E. Sinova]”; “Palmaria stenogona (Perest.) Perest., tested by L. Perestenko, 1984”, LE A0000097.

Turnerella mertensiana (Postels et Rupr.) F. Schmitz f. cuneata E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 211.

Protologue: “Растет на каменистом грунте в сублиторальной зоне, в каменистых бассейнах. Остров Беринга (Гребн[ицкий]); Входной риф (Гур[ьянова]); о. Медный (ТИРХ) [Grows on stony substrate in the subtidal zone, in stony pools. Bering Island (Grebn[itsky]); Vkhodnoy Rif (Gur[janova]); Medny Island (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from Commander Islands.

Syntype: “О-в Беринга, в защищенных бассейнах вдоль берегов. Экз. взят на глубине 8 футов во время отлива, растет на камнях, № 26, 19, собр. А. Гребницкий, det. Е. Зинова [Bering Island, in protected pools along the shores. The specimen was collected at low tide at the depth 8 feet, grows on the stones, № 26, 19, leg. A. Grebnitsky, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000098.


Castagnea pontica Woron., 1908, Russk. Bot. Zhurn., 1–2: 41–42, fig. 6 .

Protologue: “Местообитание. Прикрепляется к камням и раковинам; на глубине до 13 саж. (Вороних.). Местонахождение. Открытое море против песчаной бухты (Баж[енов]), Георгиевский монастырь (Вороних[ин]). № колл. 167, 22 VI 1907 [Habitat. Attached to stones and shells; at a depth down to 13 fathoms (Woronich[in]). Locality. Open sea opposite a sandy bight (Bazh[enov]), Geogrgievsky Monastery (Woronich[in]), Collection number 167, 22 VI 1907”]. – Described from the Black Sea.

Note. The date in the protologue is probably incorrect: 22 VI 1907 instead of 21 VI 1907, the latter being clearly read in the label.

Syntype: “Castagnea pontica Woronichin. Георгиевский Монастырь, 21 VI 1907, Н. Воронихин [Geogrgievsky Monastery, 21 VI 1907, N. Woronichin]”, LE A0000099.

Coilodesme bulligera Strömf. f. ruprechtii E.S. Sinova, 1938, Trudy Gidrobiologicheskoy ekspeditsii ZIN AN SSSR 1934 g. na Yaponskoye more, 1: 41–42.

Protologue: “Растет в нижней части литоральной зоны на каменистом грунте, а также на Amphiroa… Остров Петрова (ТИРХ) [Grows in lower part of the intertidal zone on stony substrate, as well as on Amphiroa… Petrov Island (Pacific Fisheries Institute)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntypes (4): “Coilodesme bulligera Stroemf. f. Ruprechtii Sinova. Яп[онское] море, о. Петров, S часть острова, нижняя литораль, 5 V 1934, leg. Робенко, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Petrov Island, southern part of the island, lower intertidal zone, 5 V 1934, leg. Robenko, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000100 – LE A0000103.

Dilophus furcula Woron., 1908, Russk. Bot. Zhurn., 3–4: 125–127, fig. 11–12 .

Protologue: “Dictyota repens Ag. Колл. Dymozewieza из герб. Акад. Н[аук]. Местообитание. На камнях, у берега. Местонахождение. Одесса (Dymoz. 1853 г.). Севастополь, Круглая бухта (Вороних[ин]). Конец мая 1907 г. [Dictyota repens Ag. Collection of Dymozewiez from Academy of Sciences Herbarium. Habitat. On the stones near the shore. Localities. Odessa (Dymoz. 1853). Sevastopol, Round (Kruglaya) Bight (Woronich[in].). Late May 1907]”. – Described from the Black Sea.

Syntype: “Odessa, 1853, leg. Димоцевич, det. Воронихин [leg. Dymozewiez, det. Woronichin]”, LE A0000104.

Fucus filiformis Strøm f. nana E.S. Sinova, 1922, Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R., 1(9): 144.

Protologue: “Местооб. На скалистом грунте и в ямах с остающейся водой в нижней части литоральной зоны. Местонах. Полуостров Канин, у мыса Микулкина (Рупрехт) [Habitat. On rocky substrate and in pools of the lower part of intertidal zone. Locality. Kanin Peninsula, at Cape Mikulkin (Ruprecht)] …Ad litora peninsulae Kanin (promontorium Milulkin) lecta”. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Holotype: “Fucus filiformis Gmel. f. nana Sinova. Terra Kanin. Promont. Mikulkin, affix., Dr. Ruprecht”; “м. Микулкин, Чёшская губа, собр. Рупрехт, опр. Е. Зинова [Cape Mikulkin, Chosha Bay, coll. Ruprecht, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000105.

Authentic specimen: “Litt. Oceani glacial. Promont. Kanin, Dr. Ruprecht”, LE A0000106.

Fucus fuecii Bach. Pyl. f. elenkinii E.S. Sinova, 1922, Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R., 1(9): 133.

Protologue: “Местооб. На скалистом грунте и в скалистых ямах. Местонах. Чешская губа, м-с Чайкин нос (Рупрехт) [Habitat. On the rocky substrate and in rock pools. Locality. Chosha Bay, Chaykin Nos (Ruprecht)] …In Herbario cl. Ruprechtii e sinu “Czesskaja Guba” ad promontorium “Czajkin nos” (in Oceano Glaciali prope peninsulam Kanin)”. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Authentic specimen: “Fucus distichus… Triostr[ova], Baer 1837”; “Fucus Fueci De la Pyl. f. Elenkinii Sinova. Три острова, 1837, собр. Бер, опр. Е. Зинова [Tri ostrova (= Three islands), 1837, coll. Baer, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000107.

Fucus fuecii Bach. Pyl. f. ruprechtii E. S. Sinova, 1922, Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R., 1(9): 133.

Protologue: “Местооб. Обычно произрастает на скалистом грунте и в скалистых ямах с остающейся водой. Местонах. Чешская губа, м. Чайкин нос (Рупрехт) [Habitat. Grows usually on rocky substrate and in rock pools. Locality. Chosha Bay, Chaykin Nos (Ruprecht)] …In Herbario cl. Ruprechtii e sinu “Czesskaja Guba” ad promontorium “Czajkin nos” (in Oceano Glaciali prope peninsulam Kanin)”. – Described from the Barents Sea.

Holotype: “Tschaizin Noss! affix., Terra parva Samoj[edorum], 1841, Ruprecht”; “Fucus Fueci De la Pyl. f. Ruprechtii Sinova. Чайкин нос (Чешская губа), 1841, собр. Ruprecht, опр. Е. Зинова [Chosha Bay, Chaykin Nos (Ruprecht) 1841, coll. Ruprecht, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000108.

Laminaria japonica Aresch. f. angustissima E.S. Sinova, 1928, Izvestiya Tikhookeanskoy nauchno-promyslovoy stantsii, 1(1): 116–117, tab. 5 .

Protologue: “Растет на скалах с постоянным прибоем, в б/х Ольги и Преображения [Grows on the rocks with a constant surf, in Olga and Preobrazheniya Bays]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Authentic specimen: “Laminaria japonica Aresch. f. angustissima Sinova. Японское море, мыс Шанца, глубина 4 м, 1931, leg. Г. Гайл, det. Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Shantsa Cape, depth 4 m, 1931, leg. G. Gayl, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000109.

Laminaria japonica Aresch. f. bullata E.S. Sinova, 1940, Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 5: 160, fig. 40 .

Protologue: “Растет на каменистом грунте в сублиторальной зоне, на глубине 2–8 м, в местах с сильным течением воды. Залив Владимира близ мысов Ватовского и Балюзека (Зин[ова]); бухта Кандо, мыс Сюфрен (ТОНС) [Grows on stony substrate in the subtidal zone, at a depth of 2–8 m, in places with a strong current of water. Vladimir Bay near Vatovsky and Baluzek capes (Sin[ova]); Cando Bight, Cape Sufren (Pacific Research and Commercial Station)]”. – Described from the Sea of Japan.

Syntype: “Laminaria japonica Aresch. f. bullata Sinova n. f. Яп[онское] море, б/х Владимира у м. Ватовского, 1931, Е. Зинова [Sea of Japan, Vladimir Bay near Vatovsky Cape, 1931, E. Sinova]”, LE A0000110.

Myelophycus intestinalis D.A. Saunders f. complanata Woron., 1915, Expedition a Kamtchatka, organisée par Th.P. Riabouchinsky, 2: 487.

Protologue: “Местонах. Авачинская губа между Никольской и Меженной [Мишенной] горой, полоса отлива, на камне, V 1909, № 4978 [Locality. Avacha Bay between Nikolskaya and Mezhennaya [Mishennaya Sopka] mountains, intertidal zone, on the stone, V 1909, № 4978”]. – Described from Kamchatka.

Syntypes (2): “Myelophycus intestinalis Sondes. f. complanata Woronich. Берингово море, Камчатка, Авачинская губа, залив между Никольской и Мишенной горой, полоса отлива, на камне, № 4978, V 1909, В.П. Савич [Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Avacha Bay, the bay between Nikolskaya and Mishennaya mountains, intertidal zone, on the stone, № 4978, V 1909, V.P. Savich]”, LE A0000111, LE A0000112.

Triplostromium ponticum Woron., 1908, Russk. Bot. Zhurn., 3–4: 119–121, fig. 7–8 .

Protologue: “Гербарий. Б.В. Баженова. Местонахождение. Севастополь. К западу от Песчаной бухты [Herbarium of B.V. Bazhenov. Locality. Sevastopol. West of Peschanaya Bight]”. – Described from the Black Sea.

Holotype: “Triplostromium ponticum Woronich. nov. sp. et nov. gen. Открытые берега моря к Западу от Песчаной бухты, № 122, 15 IX 1907, Гер. Баженова [Open seacoast west of Peschanaya Bight, № 122, 15 IX 1907, Herbarium of Bazhenov”], LE A0000113.

The type algal collection of LE also contains 6 samples of Rhodophyta, intended by E.S. Sinova but never published, which are listed below.

Gracilaria textorii (Suringar) Har. f. prolifera E.S. Sinova, ined.

Collected from Sea of Japan. “б/х Ольги, Преображения, leg. 1926 E.S. Sinova, det. 1930 E.S. Sinova [Olga and Preobrazheniya Bays, leg. 1926 E. Sinova, det. 1930 E. Sinova]”, LE A0000114, LE A0000115.

Halosaccion clavaeformis E.S. Sinova, ined.

Collected from Bering Sea. “Берингово море, бухта Корфа, № 45, 308, 30 л, 4 X 1930 (1939?), leg. В. Богаевский, det. Е. Зинова [Bering Sea, Korf Bay, № 45, 308, 30th sheet, 4 X 1930 (1939?), leg. V. Bogaevskiy, det. E. Sinova]”, LE A0000116.

Ptilota californica Rupr. f. intermedia E.S. Sinova, ined.

Collected from Sachalin. “Sachalin. Водоросли на берегу пролива к югу от поста Дуэ, на кирпичной пади (?), leg. 5 V 1872 O. Augustinowicz, det. 1916 Е. Зинова [Sachalin. Algae on the shore of the strait to the south of the Doue Post, on the brick, leg. 5 V 1872 O. Augustinowicz, det. 1916 E. Sinova]”, LE A0000117, LE A0000118.

Ptilota californica Rupr. f. tenerrima E.S. Sinova, ined.

Collected from Sachalin. “о-в Сахалин, пост Дуэ, животнорастения из Татарского пролива, leg. 1872 O. Augustinowicz, det. 1916 Е. Зинова [Sachalin. Doue Post, zoophytes from the Tatar Strait, leg. 1872 O. Augustinowicz, det. 1916 E. Sinova]”, LE A0000119.

Список литературы

  1. Elenkin A.A., Danilov A.D. 1915. Notes critiques sur quelques algues nouvelles ou rares, recoltées en Russie. – Izv. Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Velikago. 2: 180–190 (In Russ. with French summary).

  2. Hawksworth D.L. 2010. Terms used in bionomenclature. The naming of organisms (and plant communities). Copenhagen. 216 p. http://www.gbif.org/document/80577 (accessed: 14 July 2019).

  3. Proschkina-Lavrenko A. 1945. Algae nonnullae novae. I. – Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 5(10–12): 142–154 (In Russ. with Latin description).

  4. Sinova E.S. 1912. Algae Murmanicae. I. Chlorophyceae et Rhodophyceae. – Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp., 43, Ser. 3, Sect. Bot. 1: 171–343 (In Russ.).

  5. Sinova E.S. 1916. Notes sur les forms de Ptilota plumosa (L.) Ag. et Ptilota Californica Rupr., recueillies aux côtes polaires de la Russie d’Europe. – Izv. Imp. Bot. Sada Petra Velikago. 16(2): 416–426 (In Russ. with French summary).

  6. Sinova E.S. 1918. Note sur une nouvelle espece des Rhodophycees (Delesseria rossica Sinova nov. sp.), trouvee dans la mer Blanche. – Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R. 18(1): 40–44 (In Russ. with French summary).

  7. Sinova E.S. 1922a. De forma nova Fuci  filiformis Gmel. in Oceano Glaciali. – Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R. 1(9): 143–144 (In Russ. with Latin summary).

  8. Sinova E.S. 1922b. De formis novis Fuci Fueci De la Pyl. in Oceano Glaciali. – Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R. 1(9): 131–134 (In Russ. with Latin summary).

  9. Sinova E.S. 1922c. De formis novis Plilotae Californicae Rupr. in Oceano Pacifico ad oras Sibiriae inventis. – Bot. Mater. Inst. Sporov. Rast. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F. S.R. 1(8): 119–123 (In Russ. with Latin summary).

  10. Sinova E.S. 1928. Laminaria et autres alguea comme branche d’industrie. – Izvestiya Tikhookeanskoi nauchno-promyslovoi stantsii [Bulletin of the Pacific Research Station]. 1(1): 77–142 (In Russ. with French summary).

  11. Sinova E.S. 1938. Algae in the region of Petrov Island, Sea of Japan. – Trudy Gidrobiologicheskoi ekspeditsii ZIN AN SSSR 1934 g. na Yaponskoye more [Transactions of the Hydrobiological Expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1934 on the Sea of Japan]. 1: 37–80 (In Russ. with Engl. summary).

  12. Sinova E.S. 1940a. Les algues de la mer du Japon. – Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 5: 7–166 (In Russ. with French summary).

  13. Sinova E.S. 1940b. The algae of the Commander Islands. – Transactions of the Pacific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 5: 167–238 (In Russ. with Engl. summary).

  14. Sinova E.S. 1941a. De forma nova Gracilaria multipartita (Clem.) Harv. f. supernedilatata Sinova. – Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 5(7–9): 124–125 (In Russ. with Latin description).

  15. Sinova E.S. 1941b. De species nova Grateloupia pulchra Sinova. – Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 5(7–9): 123–124 (In Russ. with Latin description).

  16. Sinova E.S. 1953. Notulae ad floram algarum Maris Japonici. – Bot. Mater. Otd. Sporov. Rast. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 9: 95–108 (In Russ.).

  17. Turland N.J., Wiersema J.H., Barrie F.R., Greuter W., Hawksworth D.L., Herendeen P.S., Knapp S., Kusber W.-H., Li D.-Z., Marhold K., May T.W., McNeill J., Monro A.M., Prado J., Price M.J., Smith G.F. (eds.) 2018. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. – Regnum Vegetabile. 159. Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books. 254 p. https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018 (accessed: 27 July 2019).

  18. Woronichin N.N. 1908. Die Phaeophyceen des Schwarzen Meeres. Russk. – Russk. Bot. Zhurn. 1–2: 19–46, 113–138 (In Russ. with German summary).

  19. Woronichin N.N. 1909. Die Rotalgen (Rhodophyceen) des Schwarzen Meeres. – Trudy Imp. S.‑Peterburgsk. Obshch. Estestvoisp., 40(3–4): 195–197, 352 (In Russ. with German summary).

  20. Woronichin N.N. 1915. Die Meeresalgen Kamtschatka’s. – Expedition a Kamtchatka, organisée par Th. P. Riabouchinsky. 2: 475–524 (In Russ. with German summary).

  21. Woronichin N.N., Chachina A.G. 1929. Zur biologie der Salzseen in der Kulundin Steppe. – Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada S.S.S.R. 28: 149–162 (In Russ. with German summary).

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