Микология и фитопатология, 2023, T. 57, № 6, стр. 417-424
A. G. Shiryaev 1, *, T. S. Bulgakov 2, **, I. V. Zmitrovich 3, ***, O. S. Shiryaeva 1, ****, A. S. Budimirov 1, *****, V. A. Dudka 3, ******
1 Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
620144 Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
354002 Sochi, Russia
3 Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
197022 St. Petersburg, Russia
* E-mail: anton.g.shiryaev@gmail.com
** E-mail: ascomycologist@yandex.ru
*** E-mail: iv_zmitrovich@mail.ru
**** E-mail: olga.s.shiryaeva@gmail.com
***** E-mail: bas-2000eka@yandex.ru
****** E-mail: dudkavasiliy.a@gmail.com
Поступила в редакцию 20.06.2023
После доработки 15.07.2023
Принята к публикации 31.07.2023
- DOI: 10.31857/S0026364823060107
The paper continues a series of publications devoted to the new finds of fungi (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota) in Sverdlovsk Region (the Middle Urals, Russia). Totally, 75 species of macro- and microfungi reported on alien and aborigine woody plants for the first time in the region. The most numerous group are alien plant pathogenic fungi (71%) developing on cultivated fruit trees in gardens and parks, as well as on many common species of trees and shrubs in urban greening.
The paper is a seventh in the series of publications devoted to the new finds of fungi in Sverdlovsk Region on alien and invasive woody plants (Shiryaev et al., 2021; 2022a, 2022b; 2023; Bulgakov, Shiryaev, 2021, 2022). Each annotated record provides details about specimen ecology and collection information: locality, substrate, date of collecting and specimen herbarium numbers.
Specimens were collected by A.G. Shiryaev, T.S. Bulgakov, O.S. Shiryaeva and A.S. Budimirov within Ekaterinburg city territory in 2000–2023. The collected specimens were processed in the mycological collections of Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, SVER), in the Department of Plant Protection of the Federal Research Center “Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (Sochi), and in the Komarov Botanical Institute (Saint Petersburg, LE).
The identification of the fungal species was carried out by light microscopy of temporary preparations according to standard methods (Blagoveshchenskaya, 2015); special keys books and monographs were used to determinate the fungal species (Kuprevich, Ulyanishchev, 1975; Ulyanishchev, 1978; Sutton, 1980; Butin, 1989; Braun, Melnik, 1997; Ellis and Ellis, 1997; Braun, 1998; Karatygin, 2002; Braun, Cook, 2012; Knudsen, Vesterholt, 2012; Ryvarden, Melo, 2014; Blagoveshchenskaya, 2015), as well as some additional publications devoted to the study and taxonomical revision of the some particular fungal taxa and new species descriptions (Chethana et al., 2015; Daranagama et al., 2016; Norphanphoun et al., 2017; Vohlmayr et al., 2017; Hyde et al., 2018; Jaklitsch et al., 2018; Crous et al., 2020) and open global data base “Fungal Databases: U.S. National Fungus Collections” (Farr, Rossman, 2023). The names of fungal species are given according to the open database “MycoBank” (MycoBank, 2023).
The host plant species were identified by the keybook “Keys to the trees and shrubs species of the Urals” (Mamaev, 2000); the plant species are given according to the open nomenclatural database “Plant of the World Online” (POWO, 2023). Some introduced exotic plant species in the collections of the Botanical garden were determined according to the personal data of researchers of the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The following abbreviations are used in the list: BG UrB RAS – Botanical Garden of Ural Branch of the Russia Academy of Sciences; Pat – pathogenic; Sap – saprobic.
Before each fungal species, the “alien” status is indicated (see Discussion part):
*invasive alien species;
!co-introduced alien species;
#conditional alien species;
*!invasive alien fungal species on conditional for Sverdlovsk Region alien plant species.
Empty space denotes a local fungal species.
#Dothidea berberidis (Wahlenb.) De Not. [≡ Dothidella berberidis (Wahlenb.) Theiss. et Syd.] – on dead branches of Berberis vulgaris L. (Berberidaceae): BG UrB RAS, 09.08.2022, SVER(F) 96780. Pat.
*!Diplodia sapinea (Fr.) Fuckel [≡ Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko et B. Sutton] – on live and dying needles and twigs of Pinus mugo Turra (Pinaceae): the territory of the residential complex “Nagorny”, 23.10.2022, SVER(F) 96781. Pat.
!Phaeobotryon negundinis Daranag., Bulgakov et K.D. Hyde – on dying branches of Acer negundo L. (Sapindaceae), BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96782. Pat.
!Phyllosticta paviae Desm. (= Ph. sphaeropsoidea Ellis et Everh.) – on living leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (Sapindaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96783. Pat.
!Acervuloseptoria fraxini Crous et Bulgakov – on living leaves of Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall (Oleaceae): BG UrB RAS, 09.08.2022, SVER(F) 96784. Pat.
!Neophloeospora maculans (Bérenger) Videira et Crous [≡ Cylindrosporium maculans (Bérenger) Jacz. ≡ Phloeospora maculans (Bérenger) Allesch.] – on living leaves of Morus alba L. (Moraceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96785. Pat.
!Passalora fraxini (DC.) Arx [≡ Cercospora fraxini (DC.) Sacc.] – on living leaves of Fraxinus (Oleaceae): F. excelsior L. – Arboretum on Pervomayskaya street, 29.07.2022, SVER(F) 96786; F. pennsylvanica Marshall – ibid., 05.08.2021, SVER(F) 96793. Pat.
#Pruniphilomyces circumscissus (Sacc.) Crous et Bulgakov (≡ Cercospora circumscissa Sacc.) – on living leaves of Prunus (Rosaceae): P. pumila L. – BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96787; P. tenella Batsch – ibid., 19.07.2021, SVER(F) 96794. Pat.
!Pseudocercospora lilacis (Desm.) Deighton (≡ Cercospora lilacis Desm.) – on living leaves of Syringa vulgaris L. (Oleaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96863; Arboretum on Pervomayskaya str., 29.07.2022, SVER(F) 96788. Pat.
!Pseudocercosporella leptosperma (Peck) U. Braun – on living leaves of Eleutherococcus sp. (Araliaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96789. Pat.
!Ragnhildiana ampelopsidis (Peck) U. Braun, C. Nakash., Videira et Crous (≡ Cercospora ampelopsidis Peck) – on living leaves of Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (Vitaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96790. Pat.
Rosisphaerella rosicola (Pass.) U. Braun, C. Nakash., Videira et Crous [≡ Cercospora rosicola Pass. ≡ Passalora rosicola (Pass.) U. Braun] – on living leaves of Rosa (Rosaceae): R. acicularis L. – BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96791; R. chinensis Jacq. – ibid., 30.07.2021, SVER(F) 96792. Pat.
!Septoria pyricola (Desm.) Desm. [= Mycosphaerella pyri (Auersw.) Boerema] – on living leaves of Pyrus communis L. (Rosaceae), BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96792. Pat.
#Sphaerulina aceris (Lib.) Verkley, Quaedvlieg et Crous (≡ Ascochyta aceris Lib.) – on living leaves of Acer platanoides L. (Sapindaceae): Arboretum on Pervomayskaya street, 29.07.2022, SVER(F) 96795. Pat.
!Sphaerulina berberidis (Niessl) Quaedvlieg, Verkley et Crous (≡ Septoria berberidis Niessl) – on living leaves of Berberis vulgaris (Rosaceae): BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96796. Pat.
#S. quercicola (Desm.) Quaedvl., Verkley et Crous [≡ Septoria quercicola (Desm.) Sacc.] – on living leaves of Quercus robur L. (Fagaceae): BG UrB RAS, 28.09.2022, SVER(F) 96797. Pat.
S. rehmiana Jaap (= S. rosarum Westend.) – on living leaves of Rosa (Rosaceae): R. chinensis Jacq. – BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96798; R. maximowicziana Regel – BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96799. Pat.
!Sphaceloma symphoricarpi Barrus et Horsfall – on living leaves of Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F. Blake (Caprifioliaceae): BG UrB RAS, 05.10.2022, SVER(F) 96800. Pat.
*Thyrostroma tiliae Senwanna, Wanas., Bulgakov, Phookamsak et K.D. Hyde [= Thyrostroma compactum (Sacc.) Höhn. var. tiliae (Sacc.) Höhn.] – on dying twigs and branches of Tilia cordata Mill. (Malvaceae): South Park, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96801. Pat.
!Thyrostroma ulmicola Senwanna, Wanas., Bulgakov, Phookamsak et K.D. Hyde – on dying twigs and branches of Ulmus pumila L. (Ulmaceae): South Park, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96802; BG UrB RAS, 06.08.2022, SVER(F) 96803. Pat.
#Cucurbitaria berberidis (Pers.) Gray [= Pyrenochaeta berberidis (Sacc.) Brunaud] – on dying twigs and branches of Berberis vulgaris (Berberidaceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96803. Pat.
#Neocucurbitaria rhamni (Nees) Jaklitsch et Voglmayr (= Cucurbitaria rhamni (Nees) Fuckel) – on dying branches of Rhamnus cathartica L. (Rhamnaceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96804. Pat.
!Ascochyta philadelphi Sacc. et Speg. – on living leaves of Philadelphus coronarius L. (Hydrangeaceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96805. Pat.
!Neodidymelliopsis negundinis Manawasinghe, Bulgakov et K.D. Hyde – on dying twigs and branches of Acer negundo (Sapindaceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96806; on dead twigs of Euonymus europaeus L. (Celastraceae), ibid., 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96862. Pat.
!Longiseptatispora curvata Crous et Bulgakov – on dying twigs of Lonicera tatarica L. (Caprifioliaceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96807; urban district “Botanichesky”, 30.07.2022, SVER(F) 96806. Pat. Perhaps, this new species (Crous et al., 2020) is identical to the previously recorded Rhabdospora lonicerae (Cooke et Ellis) Sacc. (Naumov, 1915).
Helminthosporium tiliae (Link) Fr. (≡ Exosporium tiliae Link) – on ascomata of Hercospora tiliae and dead twigs and branches of Tilia cordata (Malvaceae): South Park, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96807. Sap.
!Pseudosplanchnonema phorcioides (I. Miyake) Chethana, Camporesi et K.D. Hyde [≡ Splanchnonema phorcioides (I. Miyake) P. Leroy, L. Gauthier et M.E. Barr] – on dying twigs of Morus alba (Moraceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96808. Pat.
#Venturia tremulae Aderh. var. populi-albae M. Morelet [= Fusicladium radiosum var. populi-albae (M. Morelet) Ritschel et U. Braun] – on living leaves of Populus alba L. (Salicaceae): BG UrB RAS, 22.07.2022, SVER(F) 96809. Pat.
Dothideomycetes incertae sedis
#Asteromella mali (Briard) Boerema (≡ Phyllosticta mali Briard) – on living leaves of Malus domestica (Suckow) Borkh. (Rosaceae): BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96810. Pat.
#Dermea acerina (Peck) Rehm – on living leaves of Acer platanoides (Sapindaceae): BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96811. Pat.
#Drepanopeziza castagnei (Desm. et Mont.) Rossman et W.C. Allen [= Marssonina castagnei (Desm. et Mont.) Magnus] – on living leaves of Populus alba (Salicaceae): BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96812. Pat.
*!Erysiphe azaleae (U. Braun) U. Braun et S. Takam. – on living leaves of Rhododendron luteum L. (Ericaceae): BG UrB RAS, 10.10.2022, SVER(F) 96813. Pat.
*!E. euonymicola U. Braun (= E. euonymi-japonici U. Braun et S. Takam.) – on living leaves of Euonymus japonicus Thunb. (Celastraceae): BG UrB RAS, greenhouse, 19.09.2022, SVER(F) 96814. Pat.
*!E. flexuosa (Peck) U. Braun et S. Takam. (≡ Uncinula flexuosa Peck) – on living leaves of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (Sapindaceae): Arboretum on 8 March street, 28.09.2022, SVER(F) 96815. Pat.
#E. friesii (Lév.) U. Braun et S. Takam. [≡ Microsphaera friesii (Lév.) Sacc.] – on living leaves of Rhamnus cathartica (Rhamnaceae): BG UrB RAS, 26.08.2022, SVER(F) 96816. Pat.
*!E. salmonii (Syd. et P. Syd.) U. Braun et S. Takam. – on living leaves of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. (Oleaceae): BG UrB RAS, 05.10.2022, SVER(F) 96860. Pat.
!Phyllactinia fraxini (DC.) Fuss – on living leaves of Fraxinus excelsior (Oleaceae): Arboretum on 8 March street, 06.10.2022, SVER(F) 96817. Pat.
#Monilinia fructigena (Pers.) Honey [≡ Monilia fructigena (Pers.) Pers.] – on rotten fruits of Rosaceae woody plants: Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. – BG UrB RAS, 20.10.2020, SVER(F) 96818; M. domestica – Elizavet gardens, 12.09.2021, SVER(F) 96819; Prunus cerasus – private garden “Seven Fontains”, 25.08.2021, SVER(F) 96820; P. domestica – ibid., 01.08.2021, SVER(F) 96822; Pyrus communis – ibid., 05.08.2021, SVER(F) 96821; P. ussuriensis Maxim. – BG UrO RAS, 22.08.2021, SVER(F) 96857. Pat.
#M. laxa (Aderh. et Ruhland) Honey (= Monilia cinerea Bonord.) – on growing shots, flowers and fruits of Prunus cerasus (Rosaceae): private garden “Seven Fontains”, 23.08.2021, SVER(F) 96823. Pat.
#Colpoma quercinum (Pers.) Wallr. [= Conostroma didymum (Fautrey et Roum.) Moesz] – on dying and dead branches of Quercus robur (Fagaceae): Arboretum at 8 March str., 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96824. Pat.
!Cyclaneusma minus (Butin) DiCosmo, Peredo et Minter (≡ Naemocyclus minor Butin) – on living and dying needles of Pinus mugo (Pinaceae): the territory of the residential complex “Nagorny”, 12.10.2022, SVER(F) 96825. Pat.
#Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) Fr. (= Melasmia acerina Lév.) – on living leaves of Acer (Sapindaceae): A. campestre – Arboretum on Pervomayskaya, 28.08.2020, SVER(F) 96858; A. platanoides – the territory of the residential complex “Nagorny”, 12.10.2022, SVER(F) 96826. Pat.
!Pestalotiopsis sydowiana (Bres.) B. Sutton (≡ Pestalotia sydowiana Bres.) – on living leaves of Rhododendron (Ericaceae): R. brachycarpum D. Don ex G. Don subsp. fauriei (Franch.) D.F. Chamb. – BG UrB RAS, 14.08.2021, SVER(F) 96859; Rh. caucasicum Pall. – ibid., 20.20.2021, SVER(F) 96827; Rh. dauricum L. – ibid., 14.10.2020, SVER(F) 96828; Rh. smirnowii Trautv. ex Regel – ibid., 03.06.2021; SVER(F) 96829. Pat.
#Coryneum depressum J.C. Schmidt [= Pseudovalsa umbonata (Tul. et C. Tul.) Sacc.] – on dying and dead branches of Quercus robur (Fagaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96830. Pat.
#Coryneum umbonatum Nees [= Pseudovalsa longipes (Tul.) Sacc.] – on dead branches of Quercus (Fagaceae): Q. mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. – BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96831; Q. robur – BG UrB RAS, 10.07.2021, SVER(F) 96832. Pat.
#Cytospora ceratosperma (Tode) G.C. Adams et Rossman – on dying twigs and branches of Acer (Sapindaceae): A. platanoides – BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96833 и A. tataricum – BG UrB RAS, 09.07.2020, SVER(F) 96834. Pat.
!Cytospora parasitica Norphanph., Bulgakov et K.D. Hyde – on dying twigs and branches of Malus (Rosaceae): M. baccata (L.) Borkh. – South Park, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96835; M. domestica – BG UrB RAS, 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96836. Pat.
!Juglanconis oblonga (Berk.) Voglmayr et Jaklitsch (≡ Melanconium oblongum Berk.) – on dying twigs and branches of Juglans mandshurica (Juglandaceae) – BG UrB RAS, 03.07.2020, SVER(F) 96837. Pat.
Amphicytostroma tiliae (Sacc.) Petr. (≡ Cytospora tiliae Sacc.) – on dead twigs of Tilia cordata (Malvaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96838. Pat/Sap.
#Apiognomonia errabunda (Roberge ex Desm.) Höhn. [= Apiognomonia quercina (Kleb.) Höhn. = Gloeosporium tiliae Oudem.] – on living leaves of Quercus (Fagaceae): Q. mongolica – BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96839; Q. robur – BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96840. Pat.
!Ophiognomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Sogonov [= Marssonina juglandis (Lib.) Magnus] – on living leaves and fruits of Juglans mandshurica (Juglandaceae): BG UrB RAS, 05.09.2020, SVER(F) 96841. Pat.
Hercospora tiliae (Pers.) Tul. et C. Tul. [≡ Rabenhorstia tiliae (Pers.) Fr.] – on dying twigs and branches of Tilia platyphyllos Scop. (Malvaceae): BG UrB RAS, 09.08.2022, SVER(F) 96843. Pat/Sap.
*Ophiostoma novo-ulmi Brasier – in wood of Ulmus (Ulmaceae): U. glabra Huds. – BG UrB RAS, 15.09.2021, SVER(F) 96844; U. laevis Pall. – ibid., 28.07.2022, SVER(F) 96845; U. pumila L. – ibid., 08.07.2020, SVER(F) 96846. Pat.
#Diatrypella quercina (Pers.) Cooke – on dying and dead branches of Quercus (Fagaceae): Q. robur – BG UrB RAS, 27.07.2022, SVER(F) 96842; Q. rubra L. – ibid., 09.09.2022, SVER(F) 96864. Pat.
*Auricularia nigricans (Sw.) Birkebak, Looney et Sánchez-García – on dead stem of Juglans mandshurica (Juglandaceae): BG UrB RAS, 26.08.2019, SVER(F)96868. Sap.
#Sebacina grisea Bres. – on fallen trunk of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss (Pinaceae): BG UrB RAS, 05.09.1998, SVER(F)96865. Myc/Sap.
Pluteus phlebophorus (Ditmar) P. Kumm. – on stumps of Acer negundo (Sapindaceae): BG UrB RAS, 20.06.2022, SVER 910240. Sap. Pluteus phlebophorus is also known from the vicinity of Sargaya village (Krasnoufimsk District), where it is found on trunk of Querqus robur in mixed forest, 11.09.1960, SVER 910108 (the specimen has not been previously published). The species is poorly resolved taxonomically, and it is in need of a critical revision utilizing molecular techniques, but the absence of type specimens complicate revision (Funga.., 2012; Malysheva et al., 2016). Therefore, studied collections are considered as Pluteus phlebophorus in morphological concept proposed by Vellinga (1990).
Coprinellus truncorum (Scop.) Redhead, Vilgalys et Moncalvo – on or around trunks or stumps of deciduous trees, mainly on Populus: BG UrB RAS, 01.08.2012, SVER 745145; Hohryakova str., on the base of trunk of P. balsamifera L. (Salicaceae), 17.06.2023, SVER 910237; Stepana Razina str., on and around trunk of P. balsamifera, 03.07.2023, SVER 910236; Sakko and Vanzetti str., on the base of trunk of P. balsamifera, 8.07.2023, SVER 910238; ХХII Partsyezd Park, on stump of P. balsamifera, 08.07.2023, SVER 910239. Sap/Par.
*Leptosporomyces raunkiaeri (M.P. Christ.) Jülich – at the base and dead roots of Chamaerops humilis L. (Arecaceae): BG UrB RAS, subtropical glasshouse, 14.06.2018, SVER(F) 96866.; ibid., on fallen trunk of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. (Betulaceae): Mednyi surrounds, edge of the bog, 02.09.2022, SVER(F) 96870. Sap.
*Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot et Galzin – on bark of living Salix alba L. (Salicaceae): Arboretum at Pervomayskaya street, 18.08.2017, SVER(F) 96867. Sap.
#Kurtia macedonica (Litsch.) Karasiński – on dead part of Quercus robur (Fagaceae): Central city park, 30.09.2006, SVER(F) 96871. Sap.
*Vuilleminia cystidiata Parmasto – on branch of Acer negundo (Sapindaceae): “Botanical” city district, 02.09.2021, SVER(F) 96872. Pat/Sap.
#Hymenochaete pilatii Corfixen et Parmasto – on dead stem of Sorbaria sorbifolia L. (Rosaceae): BG UrB RAS, 27.09.2006, SVER(F) 96874 [as Hymenochaete tabacina (Sowerby) Lév.]. Sap.
#Oxyporus phellodendri Bondartsev et Lj.N. Vassiljeva – on dead stem of Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Rutaceae): BG UrB RAS, 20.08.2005, SVER(R) 96873. Sap.
#Cabalodontia queletii (Bourdot et Galzin) Piątek – of dead part of Juglans mandshurica (Juglandaceae): Arboretum at 8 march street, 08.09.2006, SVER(F) 96876. Sap.
#Hypochnicium cymosum (D.P. Rogers et H.S. Jacks) K.H. Larss. et Hjortstam – on dead part of Picea glauca (Pinaceae): Arboretum at Pervomayskaya street, 28.09.2017, SVER(F) 96875. Sap.
#Subulicystidium perlongisporum Boidin et Gilles – on dead trunk of Malus baccata (Rosaceae): Arboretum at Pervomayskaya str., 03.10.2021, SVER(F) 96877. Sap.
Naohidemyces vacciniorum (J. Schröt.) Spooner (= Pucciniastrum vaccinii Jørst.) – on living leaves and fruits of Vaccinium sp. (Ericaceae): Ayatskoy Lake, pine-dominated managed forest, 09.08.2007, SVER(F) 96847. Pat.
!Puccinia vincae (DC.) Berk. – on living leaves of Vinca major L. (Apocynaceae): Chkalov city district, private garden, 13.07.2023, SVER(F) 96848. Pat.
!Uromyces caraganae (Thüm.) Magnus – on living leaves of Caragana arborescens Lam. (Fabaceae): City center, street shrubs, 16.08.2021, SVER(F) 96849. Pat.
!Tranzschelia discolor (Fuckel) Tranzschel et M.A. Litv. – on living leaves of Prunus (Rosaceae): P. domestica – BG UrB RAS, 20.09.2021, SVER(F) 96850; P. insititia L. – private garden “Seven fountains”, 16.08.2020, SVER(F) 96851. Pat.
#Exobasidium cassiopes Peck – on living leaves of Cassiope tetragona (L.) D. Don (Ericaceae): Denezkin Kamen Mt., 25.07.1949, SVER(F) 96853. Pat.
!E. miyabei Nagao, Akimoto et Kishi – on living leaves of Rhododendron dauricum (Ericaceae): BG UrB RAS, 26.07.2022, SVER(F) 96854. Pat.
!E. rhododendri (Fuckel) C.E. Cramer – on living leaves of Rhododendron hirsutum L. (Ericaceae): BG UrB RAS, 25.08.2022, SVER(F) 96855. Pat.
!Graphiola phoenicis (Moug. ex Fr.) Poit. – on living leaves of Phoenix canariensis H. Wildpret (Arecaceae): BG UrB RAS, subtropical glasshouse, 30.06.2005, SVER(F) 96856. Pat.
Previously, 20 species of exobasidioid fungi were known in Sverdlovsk Region (Shiryaev et al., 2010; Shiryaev, Stavishenko, 2011). As a result of this study, four new species were identified. Consequently, 24 species of exobasidioid fungi are recorded in the region now. This group of fungi was previously found only in the natural habitats of the region, and now four species have been identified on alien plants in the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BG UrB RAS): Exobasidium miyabei and E. rhododendrii were found on living leaves of several East Asian Rhododendron species in open ground, and one species was found on living leaves of the host plants in greenhouses: Graphiola phoenicis – on Phoenix canariensis. One new species, Exobasidium cassiopes, parasitizes the leaves of Cassiope tetragona in natural conditions.
Previously, 29 species of powdery mildew fungi were recorded on woody plants in Sverdlovsk Region (Bulgakov, Shiryaev, 2022). Currently, this list has increased (up to 35 species totally) by six species, which were found on alien species of trees and shrubs, including one exotic species – Erysiphe euonymicola – was found on the leaves of Euonymus japonica in the greenhouses of BG UrB RAS.
There were 12 species of rust fungi previously recorded in Sverdlovsk Region on trees and shrubs (Bulgakov, Shiryaev, 2021). This number has been increased (up to 16 species) by four new found species.
All identified alien fungi can be divided into three main groups due to the origins of fungi and host plant species: 1) invasive; 2) co-introduced; 3) conditional alien species.
The invasive fungal species have spread in Ekaterinburg city as parasites of native plants. Such species are most numerous among powdery mildew fungi (genus Erysiphe). Their appearance in the territory of Ekaterinburg is a consequence of their wide-scale invasions in Europe or the temperate climate zone of whole Eurasia. A striking example of such species is Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, causing Dutch elm disease; this fungus has become a common pathogen in the natural range of Ulmus species 1970s (Desprez-Loustau, 2009). The other potentially dangerous pathogens of pines would be Cyclaneusma minus and Diplodia sapinea, if they will get the ability to infect the native pine species Pinus sylvestris (Desprez-Loustau, 2009).
Co-introduced alien species form the second (and the largest) group represented mostly by specialized plant pathogens that “follow” their host plants. The appearance of these species in Ekaterinburg is a consequence of co-introduction (coupled introduction) of fungi and their host plants in the region (or invasion of host plants). Many of such species have spread thousands of kilometers within the secondary range of their host plants, often from one to another continent, or from one part of the world to another one (Desprez-Loustau, 2009). Those are fungi associated with plants originating in North America: Acervuloseptoria fraxini on Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Ragnhildiana ampelopsidis on Parthenocissus quinquefolia, as well as the Central, East and South Asian species: Cytospora parasitica on Malus baccata, Neophloeospora maculans on Morus alba, Juglanconis oblonga and Ophiognomonia leptostyla on Juglans mandshurica. However, many introduced alien plant and fungal species were removed within Eurasia continent from its west (Europe, Caucasus), central (Central Asia) or east parts (Eastern Asia).
Conditional alien fungi are usually associated with woody plants of genera having edge of their natural ranges in the Middle Urals: Acer platanoides, Corylus avellana, Malus sylvestris, Populus alba, Quercus robur, Rhamnus cathartica, and some other plants (Gorchakovsky et al., 1994). The appearance of fungal species associated with such plants in Ekaterinburg can be considered as a “step beyond the natural range” following the introduction of host plants. However, a part of this group also can be treated as invasive species (in Europe at general), for example, Erysiphe alphitoides and E. corylacearum (Desprez-Loustau, 2009; Braun, Cooke, 2012).
An interesting case is the two species found on Acer negundo, Phaebotryon negundinis and Neodidymelliopsis negundinis; the latter species was found not only on the ash-leaved maple Acer negundo, but also on the European spindle tree Euonymus europaeus (Hyde et al., 2018). Thus, it may be an invasive fungal species introduced from North America, or poor-known Eurasian species infecting many plants. The origin of the Thyrostroma species (Thyrostroma tiliae and T. ulmicola) is still unclear, too; most likely, they are Central Asian species (Senwanna et al., 2017).
The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project № 22-26-00228). The authors are grateful to O.A. Kiseleva (Ekaterinburg) for providing fungal specimens.
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