ПАРАЗИТОЛОГИЯ, 2021, том 55, № 1, с. 3-11.
УДК 576.895
© 2021 E. I. Korenberga,*, O. Kahlb
aGamaleya National Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology,
Moscow, 123098 Russia
bTick-radar GmbH, 10555 Berlin, Germany
*e-mail: edkorenberg@yandex.ru
Received 16.10.2020
Received in revised form 30.10.2020
Accepted 02.11.2020
This paper is devoted to the contributions of the outstanding parasitologist Yuri S. Balashov.
It is not biographical. Its purpose is to highlight selected aspects of Yuri S. Balashov’s scientific
legacy that the authors consider most important for an international readership. This should direct
the attention of international researchers to his various scientific theses and concepts, some of which
have been only published in Russian language, and should also open up a broader discussion. The
scope of Balashov’s scientific interests was remarkable, although he devoted special attention to the
research of argasid and ixodid ticks (Argasidae and Ixodidae). The main results and conclusions
of his tremendous work have been described here using mainly his own words. Only some explana-
tions that may be required to increase the reader’s understanding of the concepts, terms and thoughts
of Yu. Balashov were made by the authors.
Keywords: parasitology, medical entomology, ecology, Argasidae, Ixodidae, ticks, natural foci
DOI: 10.31857/S0031184721010014
The life of Yuri Sergeevich Balashov (1931-2012), an outstanding parasitologist, has
been described in special publications (Filippova, 2013; Medvedev, 2012; Medvedev et al.,
2013). This paper is not biographical. Its purpose is to highlight the aspects of Balashov’s
scientific legacy that we consider most important. The scope of his scientific interests was
remarkably broad, although he devoted special attention to the research of argasid and ixodid
ticks (Argasidae and Ixodidae). Balashov was a prominent representative of the parasitol-
ogy school founded by the Academician Yevgeny N. Pavlovsky, who developed the theory
of natural focality of transmissible diseases (Pavlovsky, 1939; 1966) and whose ideas he
expounded and further developed (Balashov, 1967; 1984a; 2003; Balashov et al., 1968). He
greatly appreciated the biocenological and comparative parasitological concepts by Vladimir
N. Beklemishev (1970) about parasitic systems and the life schemes of species, which he
considered to be of high significance for the development of parasitology. This follows from
Balashov’s paper (1991) commemorating the centennial of Beklemishev’s birth, where he
expressed an idea that may stand for his “scientific signature” and serves as an epigraph
to all his scientific activities: “It would be advantageous for parasitology to further develop
the universal concept of parasitic systems that reflects the unity of all parasitic organisms
as an ecological category. This concept stimulates the exchange of ideas between traditional
parasitology and microbiology and creates prerequisites for developing our knowledge of
the general principles of parasitism as a form of existence of living organisms” (Balashov,
1991, p. 189). It is in the light of such a broad general parasitological concept that Balashov
analyzed crucial problems of medical entomology, the scientific branch treating medically
significant arthropods, including the parasite-host relationships of arthropods and terrestrial
vertebrates. He authored more than 200 scientific papers and several monographs (Balashov,
1967; 1972a; 1979; 1982; 1983; 1998; 2009). The publication of each of his books was
a major event in parasitology, and many of them are quite comprehensive and have been
milestones. However, it is the reading of these publications in a continuous chronological
sequence that gives a holistic impression of Balashov’s scientific legacy, demonstrating
long-term consistency in his progression from particular studies to multifaceted generaliza-
tions in evolutionary parasitology. He did not abandon a given problem after addressing
another one. They remained within the scope of his interests, and their range was growing
broader and more complex over time. Here we attempt to recapitulate the results of this
process, which in itself is fairly instructive, especially for young researchers working in an
era where we emphasize research on the molecular and genetic level and less on the func-
tion of whole organisms, populations and ecosystems. The main results and conclusions
of Balashov’s tremendous work will be described here using mainly his own words. Any
explanatory remarks or comments will be avoided where possible since they appear inap-
propriate in this context, although some of Balashov’s views and postulates are obviously
open to debate (Korenberg, 1999; 2010). Explanations that may be required to increase the
reader’s understanding of the concepts, terms and thoughts of Yu. Balashov will be made
by the authors in footnotes or in square brackets.
Biology and physiology of ticks
In the 1950s, Balashov initiated studies on elementary features of the biology and physi-
ology of ixodid ticks (poorly known at that time), which was the basis for all his future
research. The scope of the problems he addressed included the structure of tick mouthparts;
the process of bloodsucking and changes in the integument during this process; the functions
of dermal glands and adaptations to consuming large volumes of blood; the tick life cycle
and changes in tick body weight in the course of bloodsucking and daily rhythmicity of tick
detachment from the host after feeding; the structure of digestive organs as related to the
process of digestion; excretory processes; gonotrophic relationships and spermatogenesis;
and specific anatomical and physiological features of molting. The results of these studies
provided a basis for the widely known monograph (Balashov, 1967) translated into English
and published by the Entomological Society of America (Balashov, 1972a). This amazing
monograph brought Balashov international recognition and became a desk book for sev-
eral generations of medical entomologists worldwide. It is still an essential source for tick
researchers today containing the precious results of countless studies in the laboratory and
in the field. A special feature of his work is that it covered quite a large variety of argasid
and ixodid species occurring in a huge area, in different climatic and biogeographical zones,
the former USSR. He resumed, after about 20 years, in-depth studies on the structure of
tick organs at an advanced methodological level. Together with his colleagues L. Amosova,
V. Ivanov, S. Leonovich, and A. Reichel, he produced a series of publications on this
matter, including the unique Atlas of Electron-Microscopic Anatomy of Ixodid Ticks (Balas-
hov, 1979), which provided insight into specific features of different organs and mechanisms
of their functioning in these arthropods. In one way or another, the results of these studies
were also considered in Balashov’s subsequent monographs (1982; 1998; 2009) as a factual
basis for his theoretical generalizations. In particular, they allowed the conclusion that “the
main difference [of digestion in argasid and ixodid ticks] to that in insects is that the host
blood is digested mainly intracellularly, a process progressing slowly and asynchronously
in different parts of the gut” (Balashov, 1999, p. 758). [He mentioned in an earlier publica-
tion (1972a, p. 272) that intracellular blood digestion in ticks was first described by Roesler
(1934)]. This is also a highly relevant aspect when looking at ticks as vectors of pathogens.
Ixodid ticks take one blood meal in each postembryonic life stage. In contrast, argasid
ticks have 2-4 nymphal instars with each taking a blood meal and also the adults feed several
times. After feeding ticks pass through a series of different developmental phases, molting
into a new phase after every next bloodmeal, or in case of the adult female sooner or later
follower by oviposits. As a result, by feeding ticks in the laboratory Balashov was not only
able to follow their complete life cycles but also to investigate all the various aspects of
their biology in very different physiological states, an ideal basis for his comprehensive
biological approach.
Beginning in the late 1950s, Balashov’s attention was consistently attracted to problems
of the ecology of ticks including their mobility, periodization of life cycles, and the effect
of environmental factors on their abundance. The results of his first studies on the dynamics
of reserve nutrients and the physiological age of activated unfed ticks provided a stimu-
lus for research on improving methods for physiological age determination and analyzing
population age structure as a whole, which was carried out by Balashov himself and other
specialists for many years. Based on the analysis of specific ecological features and genetic
differences between natural populations of Ornithodoros tartakovskyi ticks, Balashov noted
that the results “...make one refuse to acknowledge that gene flow plays a significant role
in the maintenance of species unity”. Taking into account the low mobility of this tick and
its hosts, he concluded that “elementary populations1 occupy a space confined to a group of
host burrows and may be largely isolated from neighboring populations located only a few
hundred meters away”. “Various landscape-geographic barriers creating unsuitable conditions
for ticks break up the species range into a number of population groups in isolation from
each other” (Balashov; 1971, p. 1800). He was the first to denote the hierarchy of units
in the spatial population structure of certain tick species and to indicate the real landscape
features (shown in maps) allowing these units to be distinguished.
Parasite hosts as ecological niches
In this regard, it is quite logical that, from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, the need
arose for Balashov to contemplate the diverse relationships between bloodsucking arthropods
and their hosts. Developing Beklemishev’s (1970) ideas on the evolution of parasite-host
relationships and types of life schemes in bloodsucking and parasitic arthropods further,
Balashov proposed his own concept of the origin and development of parasitism in different
groups of arthropods, which we refer to as the evolutionary polyphyletic concept. Its essence
1 An elementary population (or core population) is an element of the spatial structure of tick popu-
lations. This is an area with a higher number of ticks than the area that surrounds it. The population as
a whole may have more than one core.
is that “... a long co-existence of arthropods and terrestrial vertebrates implies the possibility
of emergence and dissolution of various forms of symbiotic relationships between them,
including parasitism. The diversity of types of parasitism in insects and mites associated with
its repeated and independent appearance. In particular therefore, blood sucking occurred in
different families independently…” (Balashov, 2006a, p. 420; 2006b, p. 929). Based on this
premise, Balashov (1982) proposed his “classification system of the types of parasitism in
arthropods”, which he continued to improve conceptually and terminologically over almost
40 years. In the final variant, this system included seven groups with different types of parasit-
ism: (1) micro predators (free-living bloodsuckers), (2) nest-burrow ectoparasites with short
feeding(s), (3) temporary ectoparasites with long feeding(s), (4) permanent ectoparasites,
(5) intracutaneous parasites, (6) caviar parasites [egg or aviary], and (7) tissue parasites
(Balashov, 2009, p. 33). He emphasized that “almost all conceivable instances of transitions
from predation and schizophagy2 to facultative ectoparasitism and from ectoparasitism to
endoparasitism have occurred among arthropods parasitizing terrestrial vertebrates.” Thus,
there are no distinct boundaries between the different types of parasitism.
The term “type of parasitism” is regarded synonymous to the terms “type of life scheme”
(Balashov, 1991, p. 190) and “life form” or “ecological group” (Balashov, 2006b, p. 930).
At the same time, “it should be remembered that as ecological categories, these terms can
combine species from phylogenetically unrelated taxa. Similar life patterns in many cases
arose in the process of parallel evolution, although in some taxa comparative parasitological
series may coincide with phylogenetics” (Balashov, 1991, p. 190). According to his ideas
“... the concept of the type of parasitism is in no way identical to the concept of ecological
niche3, but much wider” (Balashov, 2002, p. 935), since each part of the host organism can
be an ecological niche, which is mastered by certain parasites (Balashov, 2005, p. 444),
and “the host organism is a set of many ecological niches for different species of parasites”
(Balashov, 2009, pp. 227-228).
Evolution of hematophagy
Analyzing the relationships of bloodsucking arthropods with vertebrates, Balashov ar-
rived at the conclusion that “hematophagy has evolved independently and asynchronously in
several arthropod orders, families, and even genera” (Balashov, 1999, p. 759), “...but once
emerged, it has largely determined subsequent directions in the evolution of bloodsuckers
and particularly their co-evolution with vertebrate hosts” (pp. 751-752). “For the occurrence
of hematophagy [among arthropods], the most important representatives had morphophysi-
ological preadaptations to blood nutrition” (p. 758). “The necessity of piercing the skin of
vertebrates and sucking the blood caused the convergent development of the oral apparatus
of the piercing-sucking or cutting-sucking type” (p. 753). “Hematophagy in ixodid ticks
could have arisen as early as 150-200 million years ago during the Triassic; in some groups
of insects (lice, biting midges, fleas), during the Jurassic (145-200 million years ago); and
in mosquitoes and flies (horseflies in particular), only during the Paleogene” (23-66 million
2 Schizophagy: the ability to eat decaying animal or vegetable residues or suck out the contents of
recently died arthropods, etc.
3 In ecology, the concept of “ecological niche” is a set of all environmental factors that determine
the possibility of the existence of a given species in nature. According to Balashov (2009, p. 351), “eco-
logical niche determines the place and role of a parasite in the community. It includes parameters of the
parasite’s habitats, its interactions with the host organisms, and the external environment”.
years ago) (p. 751). According to Balashov (2009, p. 347) the concept of parasitism means
“permanent or temporary cohabitation of different species, in which one of them uses an-
other species (host) as a source of food or habitat”. Moreover, “the categories of parasitism
and hematophagy applied to Insecta and Acarina do not always coincide” (Balashov, 2009,
p. 210), because “hematophagy is not necessarily associated with parasitism. Among Diptera
it [hematophagy] is peculiar to many groups actively attacking vertebrates but not living
on their body. In turn, not all parasitic arthropods are hematophagous and many feed on
wool, feathers, skin particles, secretions of skin glands and other parts of the host organ-
ism” (Balashov, 1999, p. 761). “Parasitism apparently evolved repeatedly and independently
in different groups of the Acarina, the initial stages of transition to parasitism progressing
in the dwellings of prospective hosts” (Balashov, 2000, p. 937). In Balashov’s opinion,
free-living bloodsuckers are not “fully functional components of parasite communities”4
(Balashov, 2002, p. 936). He particularized the vague notion of “parasite specificity” and,
in addition to conventional host specificity, introduced new concepts of phylogenetic and
ecological specificity, substantiating them as follows: “The specificity of parasites in the
choice of hosts may be conditioned both by affiliation of the latter with certain taxonomic
groups (phylogenetic specificity) and by ecological factors, in cases where a parasite can
live on unrelated host species inhabiting the same biotopes or occupying similar ecological
niches5 (ecological specificity)” (Balashov, 2001, p. 475). These considerations led Balashov
to analyze the origins of parasitic and bloodsucking arthropods and their coevolution with
host species, which explained almost any of their morphological and biological features as
well as the underlying speciation processes. This problem was analyzed in most detail for
the group of ixodid ticks. In Balashov’s opinion, “proixodids might have initially fed on
various arthropods or their dead bodies and then shifted to hematophagy on vertebrates”
(Balashov, 2006a, p. 416). “Paleontological and zoogeographic data provide evidence for the
Mesozoic origin of ixodid ticks” (Balashov, 1989, p. 457). “The common ancestral group of
the Argasidae and the Ixodidae must have existed long before the Cretaceous”, in the Early
Mesozoic, and “...became segregated into an individual evolutionary branch in the Triassic”
and “...transition to parasitism in the common ancestors of the recent Ixodidae and Argasidae
could have occurred during the Late Paleozoic or Early Mesozoic (about 200-250 million
years ago), under tropical climate conditions” (Balashov, 2004, pp. 913, 915, 919). “The
parasitic relationships of the ancestors of the Ixodidae with mammals formed by the Middle
Mesozoic or even earlier” (Balashov, 1989, p. 457). “At an early stage of its evolutionary
development, after transition to hematophagy, the proixodoid lineage divided into two main
branches: the ancestors of the Argasidae and the Ixodidae” (Balashov, 1999, p. 750). “Two
recent genera, Carios and Aponomma6, already existed as early as in the Cretaceous (65-100
million years ago), and species of the genera Amblyomma, Ixodes, Hyalomma, and Orni-
thodoros appeared during the Eocene (30-40 million years ago)” (Balashov, 2004, p. 913).
Thus, Balashov considered that the group of ixodid ticks had formed prior to the breakup
of Pangaea into Gondwana and Laurasia. Judging from specimens found in Paleogene
ambers, the formation of the genera Amblyomma and Ixodes also occurred before this
4 Balashov (2009, p. 347) called the term “community of parasites” (parasitocenosis) as a set of
parasitic individuals of various species living on one host individual.
5 See note 3.
6 Carios is an argasid genus or subgenus (depending on the taxonomic concept). Some species of
the former ixodid genus Aponomma have been placed into the genus Amblyomma, and the remaining
Australian Aponomma species, into the genus Bothriocroton (Klompen et al., 2002).
breakup, no less than 180-190 million years ago. “The genera Haemaphysalis and Derma-
centor apparently evolved after the breakup of the single landmass into the northern and
southern halves, with the former genus being formed under conditions of moist subtropical
climate and forests of Southeastern Asia, and the latter in a temperate climate of steppe or
mountain landscapes. The genera Rhipicephalus and Hyalomma appear to be younger, with
the former having evolved in Africa during the period of its isolation in the Paleogene and
the latter in the deserts of Western Asia prior to the formation of its land connections with
Africa and the Arabian Peninsula” (Balashov, 1993, p. 935). Polyphagy7 and oligophagy of
ixodids have caused limited or no phylogenetic parallelism with hosts in their evolution.
“Restrictions in the distribution of some species are usually explained by the direct effect
of unfavorable environmental factors on the non-parasitic phases rather than by the absence
of suitable hosts” (Balashov, 1989, p. 457). The analysis of parasite-host relations in other
arthropod groups eventually led Balashov to an extremely important conclusion, which
is formulated as follows: “Сoevolution in its pure form is peculiar only in a few taxa of
parasitic arthropods” and, therefore, “... it has been an important, but not the only way of
their speciation” (Balashov, 2009, p. 230).
Reproductive isolation of ticks
A few of Balashov’s publications are devoted to the problem of interspecific hybridization
and reproductive isolation in some ixodid tick species (Balashov et al., 1998), still a very
relevant topic. It has been established experimentally that hybridization can happen between
closely related species of ticks. In particular, hybrid female ticks of the ricinus/persulcatus
group of the first generation (F1) oviposited after engorgement, but the next generation
(F2) did not produce fertile offspring. According to Balashov (1998), there is reproductive
isolation, which is due to the genetic incompatibility of ticks of different species.
Natural focality of diseases
The implications drawn from all the above accounted for Balashov’s broad general para-
sitological and biocenological approach to the problem of the natural focality of diseases,
which always remained in the focus of his attention. Balashov’s particular contribution to
the study of the epizootiology of various arthropod-borne pathogens and their invasions is
described in his last monograph (Balashov, 2009). Here we limit ourselves to considering
only some of his general conclusions, definitions, and concepts that we regard as fundamen-
tally important. Unfortunately, they are often disregarded in papers today. Balashov’s initial
premise, formulated more than 45 years ago, was that “a focus of infection is a fine self-
regulating system whose individual components are connected by feedback loops” (Balashov,
1972b, p. 175). Having analyzed feedback connections in an ixodid tick-vertebrate parasitic
system, he arrived at the conclusion that “the high stability of such systems is attributable
to moderate intensity of immune reactions in the hosts and relatively low numbers of ticks
feeding on them” (Balashov, 1992, p. 185). He further explains that this stability “is provided
by complex parasite-host interactions at the stage of feeding. As a result of such interactions,
the vertebrate host is sensitized to antigens of vector saliva and develops anti-tick resistance.
In nature, however, the main hosts do not have absolute resistance, despite regular contact
with ticks” (p. 194). Such balanced relationships also prevail between ixodid ticks and
7 In this context, polyphagy means that there are many different hosts, which is characteristic of at
least some parasitic stages in the life cycle of all members of given genus or a particular species.
agents of transmissible infections, so that “pathogens cause minimum harm to tick vectors
and can persist in their bodies almost lifelong, retaining the ability to be transmitted both
to vertebrate hosts and within the tick population” (Balashov, 1995, p. 337). Furthermore,
“the eventual location of microorganisms in certain organs or cells of the vector depends
on the possibility for them to penetrate the system of organ envelopes and membranes as
well as on the suitability of certain cells for the existence of those pathogens” (Balashov,
1984b, p. 30). “Actually, ixodid ticks can be part of several different natural foci within one
ecosystem” (Balashov, 1972a, p. 338), but the circle of tick hosts is wider than the circle
of animals that are susceptible8 [without the influence of any other factors] to a particular
pathogen (Balashov, 1972b). Vectors of infection as well as reservoir hosts of pathogens
may be of different levels: principal (main), accessory (secondary), or incidental. It was
very timely that Balashov (2009) once again made a point of these elementary notions of
epizootiology, which had almost fallen into oblivion.
“Several conditions must be met to join a new parasitic community: First, the estab-
lishment of contact with a host; second, morphophysiological suitability of the host for the
parasite; and third, the ability of the parasite to occupy its ecological niche and coexist with
other arthropod species living on the same host. The results of these interactions determine
the specific occurrence in nature of certain parasite species. Violation of one of these condi-
tions prevents the colonization of a new host” (Balashov, 2002, p. 938). Therefore, “even
in cases of frequent transcontinental transfer of ticks by birds migrating between Europe,
Africa, and Asia, migrants are usually incapable of establishing themselves in new regions”
(Balashov, 2004, p. 917). Here, these words concern arthropod vectors, but they are equally
applicable to agents of infections and invasions with natural focality.
Today, despite the distinct progress in our knowledge of ticks and tick-borne pathogens
we still cannot but agree with Balashov’s statement made more than 35 years ago: “Unfor-
tunately, we are still very far from understanding the holistic picture of the complex interac-
tions of pathogens of vector-borne infections with the arthropod vectors, which ultimately
determine the possibility of further circulation of the pathogenic agent in nature or its death
in the deadlock of infection” (Balashov, 1984a, p. 334).
Obviously, Balashov’s scientific legacy includes ideas that can serve as starting points
for further research on the problems of medical entomology and therefore deserve in-depth
and comprehensive ongoing analysis.
The authors express their deep gratitude to Professor Pat Nuttall (Department of Zoology,
University of Oxford, UK) for constructive advice on the structure of the article.
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Профессор Юрий Сергеевич Балашов:
наследие выдающегося паразитолога
Э. И. Коренберг, О. Кал
Ключевые слова: паразитология, медицинская энтомология, экология, Argasidae,
Ixodidae, клещи, природный очаг инфекции
Статья посвящена научным достижениям выдающегося паразитолога Ю.С. Балашова.
Это не биография. Цель данной статьи - осветить некоторые аспекты научного наследия
Ю.С. Балашова, особенно те, которые, по мнению авторов, наиболее важны для интернацио-
нального читателя. Это должно привлечь внимание исследователей разных стран к различным
научным трудам и концепциям, часть которых была опубликована только на русском языке, и
способствовать их более широкому обсуждению. Масштаб научных интересов Балашова был
поразителен, хотя основное внимание он уделял исследованию аргасовых и иксодовых клещей
(Argasidae и Ixodidae). Главные результаты и заключения его обширных работ описаны в основ-
ном с использованием его собственных слов и выражений. Авторам принадлежат только не-
которые объяснения, предназначенные для лучшего понимания читателем концепций, терминов
и мыслей Ю.С. Балашова.