Ботанический журнал, 2023, T. 108, № 7, стр. 690-708

Significance of coordination between stem xylem traits and leaf gas exchange parameters during adaptation formation in some boreal species of Karelia

V. B. Pridacha 1*, T. V. Tarelkina 1, Ya. A. Neronova 1, N. V. Tumanik 1

1 Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre of RAS
185910 Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya Str., 11, Russia

* E-mail: pridacha@krc.karelia.ru

Поступила в редакцию 02.03.2023
После доработки 30.05.2023
Принята к публикации 06.06.2023


Assessment of the resistance of forest communities and individual species to external impacts requires research on the possible response of species, communities and ecosystems in different regions to the changes expected in the natural environment and climate. This study aimed to assess the variability of stem xylem anatomical and hydraulic traits and their coordination with leaf СО22О exchange parameters in evergreen gymnosperm and deciduous angiosperm tree species during natural reforestation after clear-cutting of boreal pine forest in the European North. We analysed the effects of plant growth conditions and climatic factors on the structural and functional traits of regrowing trees in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and aspen (Populus tremula L.) during four growing seasons in a clear-cut site and under bilberry-type pine forest canopy in the middle taiga of Karelia. Stem xylem anatomical and hydraulic traits and leaf СО22О exchange parameters in the different tree species mainly demonstrated a similar response to changes in plant growth conditions and climate. In the clear-cut, both Scots pine and the angiosperm tree species had the highest tracheid and vessel hydraulic diameters and xylem potential hydraulic conductivity while at the same time having the lowest specific density of tracheids and vessels. Analyzing the interannual variation of climatic factors we found that the variability of annual increments was the highest in all the species as compared to the other xylem traits, which were more conservative. Coordination between stem xylem hydraulic traits and stomatal conductance, rates of photosynthesis and transpiration, and their variability in evergreen gymnosperm and deciduous angiosperm tree species under environmental factors indicate different hydraulic behavior (isohydric/anisohydric) strategies in silver birch, aspen, and Scots pine. The predicted increase in the frequency of heat waves and droughts at Northern latitudes will promote the competitive ability of Scots pine and aspen, which build a more efficient and safer hydraulic structure compared to silver birch by raising СО2 gas exchange and productivity in dry conditions.

Keywords: woody plants, hydraulic conductivity, photosynthesis, transpiration, environmental factors

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