Микология и фитопатология, 2022, T. 56, № 2, стр. 114-126

De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Annotation of a New Plant Pathogenic Corinectria sp. Strain in Siberia

V. V. Biriukov 12*, I. N. Pavlov 34**, Yu. A. Litovka 34***, N. V. Oreshkova 1235****, V. V. Sharov 12*****, E. P. Simonov 6******, D. A. Kuzmin 1*******, K. V. Krutovsky 1578********

1 Siberian Federal University
660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

2 Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

3 V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

4 Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
660037 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

5 G.F. Morozov Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies
394087 Voronezh, Russia

6 University of Tyumen
625003 Tyumen, Russia

7 Georg-August University of Göttingen
37077 Göttingen, Germany

8 N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
119333 Moscow, Russia

* E-mail: vladislav.v.biriukov@gmail.com
** E-mail: forester24@mail.ru
*** E-mail: litovkajul@rambler.ru
**** E-mail: oreshkova@ksc.krasn.ru
***** E-mail: vsharov@sfu-kras.ru
****** E-mail: ev.simonov@gmail.com
******* E-mail: dm.kuzmin@gmail.com
******** E-mail: konstantin.krutovsky@forst.uni-goettingen.de

Поступила в редакцию 28.06.2021
После доработки 10.11.2021
Принята к публикации 23.12.2021

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A new fungal disease affecting Siberian fir (Abies sibirica) and similar to canker in conifers caused by the fungus Corinectria fuckeliana has been observed in Central Siberia since 2006. Despite the similarity of symptoms related to Corinectria sp., the morphology and origin of this new fungal disease remained unknown. The aim of the study was de novo transcriptome sequencing and annotation of the causal agent of the disease and its phylogenetic comparison with the most closely related species for further study of the pathogenicity of that species for Abies sibirica. A pure culture of the anticipated fungus was isolated, and its transcriptome was sequenced and annotated. De novo transcriptome assemblies were generated using different software (Trinity, CLC Genomic Workbench Assembler, and RNASpades), and 57% of 14 120 transcripts assembled using the CLC Genomic Workbench Assembler were completely annotated. Phylogenetic analysis based on four genes encoded 28S ribosomal RNA, α-actin, β-tubulin, and translation elongation factor 1 alpha, respectively, demonstrated that the discovered strain is very similar to Corinectria fuckeliana species, but likely represents a new species or very different strain confirming the assumption that the species or strain found in Siberia is a new one that has not been studied previously.

Keywords: Abies sibirica, Ascomycota, canker, conifers, Corinectria, transcriptome, Siberian fir


Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.) is one of the most widespread evergreen conifer species in Russia. This species occupies a huge geographic territory, including the Northeastern part of European Russia, the Ural Mountains, the major part of the Siberia taiga zone, the Russian Far East region, as well as a great part of the mountain forests in Southern Siberia, and forms mainly stands mixed with conifers and other tree species and thus plays a very important ecological role in ecosystem functioning.

In the last decades, the extensive dieback of natural conifer stands caused mainly by root rot disease pathogens has been observed in Siberia and the Far East. It is likely that the dieback is also promoted by a combination of abnormal climatic conditions (including extreme droughts), decreased biological resistance of conifers against pathogens and other factors favorable for pathogenic organisms (Pavlov, 2015). Siberian fir is one of the most economically important tree species; its timber is extensively used in the construction, pulp and paper industry, and the essential oil extracted from needles is used in medicine. Therefore, the massive conifer forests dieback due to the aforementioned biotic and abiotic factors can lead to huge economic losses.

Corinectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) C. González et P. Chaverri is widely known as a wound parasite and an endophytic colonizer of conifer sapwood found in northern European countries, Canada, Chile, and New Zealand, where it parasitizes mainly on different spruce, fir, larch, and pine species (Schultz, 1990; Crane et al., 2009; Dick, Crane, 2009; Morales, 2009; González, Chaverri, 2017). A new Siberian fir disease, associated likely with this fungus, has been observed in the East Sayan Mountains region since 2006. The disease has been exhibiting symptoms that are similar to those caused by the fungus C. fuckeliana. They include massive stem-canker lesions of branches and twigs, their deformation and dieback, and the appearance of multiple elongated wounds of various shapes with resin flow. The affected trees with dieback branches are subject to windbreak and gradual biodegradation with a sharp deterioration in the wood quality. In subsequent years, the disease has spread 450 km northwards from the area where it was first reported. Despite the similarity of symptoms to Corinectria, little was known about the basic biology, morphology, and origin of the causal agent of the disease. Pavlov and his colleagues (Pavlov et al., 2020) isolated 47 different morphotypes of pure cultures of fungi from affected trees, and the morphotype representing Acremonium-like anamorph was the most frequently isolated fungus. Moreover, they conducted a phylogenetic analysis of four isolates using nucleotide sequences of three protein-coding genes, α-actin (Act), β-tubulin (Btub) and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (Tef1α) genes, and the complete internal transcribed spacer of rDNA (ITS) and demonstrated that these Acremonium-like Siberian isolates formed a separate subclade within a clade composed of previously described Corinectria genus species (Pavlov et al., 2020).

There are 221 genomes representing 15 different genera of the Nectriaceae family (which also includes the Corinectria genus) available in the NCBI Genome Database (accessed on March 2021), including 187 genomes of Fusarium species, 13 genomes for Calonectria genus, but only six for Neonectria genus, two per each of Ilyonectria, Dactylonectria and Pseudonectria genera, and only one genome per each of Aquanectria, Coccinonectria, Corinectria, Cylindrocarpon, Cylindrodendrum, Nectria, Stylonectria, Thelonectria and Xenoacremonium genera. Moreover, the transcriptome data are less available for these species. Only two transcriptome shotgun assembly (TSA) entries for the Nectriaceae family are available in the NCBI database (for Fusarium virguliforme and F. acuminatum species, respectively).

The main aim of the present study was de novo transcriptome sequencing and annotation of the most pathogenic isolate previously determined and described in Pavlov et al. (2020) (hereinafter, Siberian isolate or strain N1/NfP5.7), and its phylogenetic comparison with the most closely related species. De novo transcriptome assemblies were generated using different software to further select the best assembly for annotation. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the discovered isolate was similar to Corinectria fuckeliana, but may represent a new strain or even species confirming that the Siberia’s isolates have not been studied previously. Thereby, the obtained data (both TSA and SRA) make possible further studies of the pathogenicity for Abies sibirica and other conifers of a previously undescribed Corinectria strain or species. Moreover, the results may provide some additional insight into the Corinectria genus.


Cultures and media. The strain N1/NfP5.7 was isolated into a pure culture from affected areas of A. sibirica branches (Central Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, 56°01′41.46″N; 92°34′39.30″E) (Pavlov et al., 2020). The morphological and cultural features of Corinectria strain N1/NfP5.7 were studied on potato-dextrose agar (PDA), carrot agar (CA), and slow nutrient agar (SNA) for 3–4 weeks at 22 ± 1°C. Colony growth was measured on 90 mm diameter Petri dishes containing PDA, 5 mm deep, inoculated with a 10 mm diameter mycelial plug after 14 days. Microconidia, mycelium and conidiophores were observed using an Olympus CX41 microscope (Olympus Co., Tokyo, Japan) and a scanning electron microscope Hitachi SU3500 (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan).

RNA isolation and sequencing. Total RNA was isolated from the mycelium of the 21-day-old culture of the strain N1/NfP5.7 using the Plant/Fungi Total RNA Purification Kit (Norgen Biotec Corp., Thorold, Ontario, Canada). Quality of the extracted RNA was evaluated using Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 and RNA 6000 Nano Kit assay (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA). The NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module was used to separate intact poly(A) + RNA from the total extracted RNA. The TruSeq Stranded Total RNA with Ribo-Zero Plant kit (Illumina, Inc., San Diego, California, USA) was used to remove ribosomal RNA (rRNA), convert mRNA to complementary DNA (cDNA), and generate the paired-end sequencing library that was then sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq with 2 × 75 cycles using the MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 for 150 cycles (Illumina, Inc., San Diego, California, USA).

Transcriptome assembly and annotation. FastQC software v.0.11.5 was used to evaluate the quality of sequencing data. The pre-processing of sequencing data, which included the removal of adapters and low-quality sequences, was carried out using the Trimmomatic program v0.36 (Bolger, 2014) with a minimum quality cut-off threshold of Q = 19 and a minimum length of 30 bp. Then, SortMeRNA version 2.1 and the SILVA rRNA datasets were used to remove the rRNA fraction from our data (Kopylova et al., 2012; Quast et al., 2013).

De novo assemblers Trinity v2.8.2, RNASpades (SPAdes v. 3.12.0), and the CLC Genomic Workbench Assembler v. 5.1.1 were used to assemble the transcriptome (Haas et al., 2013; Bushmanova et al., 2019). Trinity software was used twice: without and with normalization of the reads (maximum coverage 200X), respectively. Moreover, the RNASpades output included three sets of transcripts, depending on the filtration level (soft, normal, and hard filtration). Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) software v3 was used to evaluate the completeness of the obtained transcriptomes based on the ascomycetes orthologous genes dataset (ascomycota_odb9) (Seppey et al., 2019). OmicsBox platform was used to carry out transcriptome annotation (Götz et al., 2008). Assembled transcriptome sequences were aligned to the non-redundant fungi nucleotide database with a BLASTx e-value of 1e-05 to search for homology with the most closely related species. In addition, the InterProScan program implemented into OmicsBox was used to identify known conservative active sites, domains, and repeats in the obtained transcripts (Jones et al., 2014). Gene ontology (GO) mapping and annotation were also performed using OmicsBox.

Phylogenetic analysis. In order to verify the generic taxonomic status of the discovered N1/Npf5.7 strain (presumably Corinectria sp.) in the Nectriaceae family, a multi-gene alignment, including sequences of 28S ribosomal RNA (28S rRNA) gene, and three protein-encoding genes Act, Btub and Tef1α taken from the NCBI GenBank was generated and used for the phylogenetic analysis. The NCBI GenBank accession numbers for each gene and nucleotide sequence used in the study are presented in Table 1. The nucleotide sequences for protein-encoded genes representing Siberian isolate N1/NfP5.7 were extracted from the assembled transcriptome data using the Blast program. The 28S rRNA sequence was extracted using RNAmmer software version 1.2 (Lagesen et al., 2007). Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) was generated using the MAFFT v7.407 program and the iterative refinement method with the weighted sum of pairs score (L-INS-i) (Katoh et al., 2005; Katoh, Standley, 2013). Poorly aligned regions were trimmed using the GBlocks server considering reading frame position and then manually finalized. Concaterpillar v. 1.7.2 was used to perform the topological congruence test and branch length compatibility assessment with the GTR substitution model (Leigh et al., 2008). The resulting MSAs were concatenated to make a supermatrix partitioned based on a combination of genes (28S rRNA gene and three different codon positions for each protein-encoding gene). Partition Finder v2.2.1 was subsequently used to find the proper nucleotide substitution models for the partition scheme. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using IQ-TREE v1.5.6 using the maximum-likelihood method (Nguyen et al., 2015). Node support was inferred with ultrafast bootstrap approximation with 100 000 replicates. In addition, Bayesian phylogenetic inference was conducted using MrBayes v3.2.7a with its default settings using the substitution model found with PartitionFinder (Huelsenbeck, Ronquist, 2001).

Table 1.

Genera, species and genes used for phylogenetic analysis and their NCBI GenBank accession numbers

*Genus Species name Strain Gene GenBnk ID
MycoBank NCBI GenBank
Cinnamomeonectria Cinnamomeonectria cinnamomea Neonectria cinnamomea IMI 325256 28S KJ022074.1
IMI 325256 ACT KJ022288.1
IMI 325256 TEF1 KJ022395.1
IMI 325256 TUB KJ022343.1
Corinectria Corinectria fuckeliana Neonectria fuckeliana GJS02-67 28S HM364320.1
GJS02-67 ACT HM352886.1
GJS02-67 TEF1 HM364354.1
GJS02-67 TUB HM352867.1
Corinectria fuckeliana IMI 342668 28S KJ022070.1
IMI 342668 ACT KJ022285.1
IMI 342668 TEF1 KJ022404.1
IMI 342668 TUB KJ022340.1
Nectria Nectria antarctica N. antarctica A.R. 2767 28S HM484560.1
A.R. 2767 ACT HM484501.1
A.R. 2767 TEF1 HM484516.2
A.R. 2767 TUB HM484601.1
CBS 308.34 28S MH867042.1
CBS 308.34 ACT JF832482.1
CBS 308.34 TEF1 JF832519.1
CBS 308.34 TUB JF832886.1
N. balansae N. balansae CBS 124070 28S JF832710.1
CBS 124070 ACT JF832484.1
CBS 124070 TEF1 JF832521.1
CBS 124070 TUB JF832907.1
N. berberidicola N. berberidicola XJAU 2433-1 28S MH793632.1
XJAU 2433-1 ACT MH793662.1
XJAU 2433-1 TEF1 MH793617.1
XJAU 2433-1 TUB MH818840.1
N. cinnabarina N. cinnabarina A.R. 4302 28S HM484736.1
A.R. 4302 ACT HM484627.1
A.R. 4302 TEF1 HM484654.1
A.R. 4302 TUB HM484820.1
N. dematiosa N. dematiosa XJAU 2025-4 28S MH793625.1
XJAU 2025-4 ACT MH793655.1
XJAU 2025-4 TEF1 MH793610.1
XJAU 2025-4 TUB MH818833.1
N. magnispora N. magnispora MAFF 241418 28S JF832686.1
MAFF 241418 ACT JF832498.1
MAFF 241418 TEF1 JF832541.1
MAFF 241418 TUB JF832898.1
N. mariae N. mariae A.R. 4274 28S JF832684.1
A.R. 4274 ACT JF832499.1
A.R. 4274 TEF1 JF832542.1
A.R. 4274 TUB JF832899.1
N. nigrescens N. nigrescens XJAU 2255-4 28S MH793628.1
XJAU 2255-4 ACT MH793658.1
XJAU 2255-4 TEF1 MH793613.1
XJAU 2255-4 TUB MH818836.1
N. pseudotrichia N. polythalama ICMP 2505 28S JF832696.1
ICMP 2505 ACT JF832500.1
ICMP 2505 TEF1 JF832524.1
ICMP 2505 TUB JF832901.1
N. pseudocinnabarina N. pseudocinnabarina G.J.S. 09-1358 28S JF832700.1
G.J.S. 09-1358 ACT JF832503.1
G.J.S. 09-1358 TEF1 JF832536.1
G.J.S. 09-1358 TUB JF832904.1
N. pseudotrichia N. pseudotrichia G.J.S. 09-1329 28S JN939827.1
G.J.S. 09-1329 ACT JF832506.1
G.J.S. 09-1329 TEF1 JF832530.1
G.J.S. 09-1329 TUB JF832902.1
N. pulcherrima N. pulcherrima IMI 325242 28S KJ022071.1
IMI 325242 ACT KJ022290.1
IMI 325242 TEF1 KJ022392.1
IMI 325242 TUB KJ022345.1
Thyronectria Thyronectria zanthoxyli Nectria zanthoxyli A.R. 4280 28S HM484571.1
A.R. 4280 ACT HM484513.1
A.R. 4280 TEF1 HM484523.2
A.R. 4280 TUB HM484599.1
Nectriopsis Nectriopsis rexiana N. exigua G.J.S. 98-32 ACT GQ505979.1
G.J.S. 98-32 TEF1 HM484852.1
G.J.S. 98-32 TUB HM484883.1
G.J.S. 98-32 28S GQ505986.1
Neonectria Neonectria candida N. ramulariae ATCC 16237 28S HM364310.1
ATCC 16237 ACT HM352879.1
ATCC 16237 TEF1 HM364349.1
ATCC 16237 TUB DQ789857.1
N. ditissima N. ditissima CBS 100.316 28S HM364311.1
CBS 100.316 ACT HM352880.1
CBS 100.316 TEF1 HM364350.1
CBS 100.316 TUB HM352864.1
N. faginata N. faginata CBS 134246 28S KC660600.1
CBS 134246 ACT KC660409.1
CBS 134246 TEF1 KC660457.1
CBS 134246 TUB KC660743.1
N. hederae N. hederae CBS 125175 28S KC660615.1
CBS 125175 ACT KC660428.1
CBS 125175 TEF1 KC660459.1
CBS 125175 TUB KC660760.1
N. microconidia N. microconidia MAFF 241522 28S KC660596.1
MAFF 241522 ACT KC660427.1
MAFF 241522 TEF1 KC660477.1
MAFF 241522 TUB KC660759.1
N. punicea N. punicea CBS 119525 28S KC660592.1
CBS 119525 ACT KC660360.1
CBS 119525 TEF1 KC660432.1
CBS 119525 TUB KC660696.1
N. shennongjiana N. shennongjiana HMAS 173254 28S KJ022076.1
HMAS 173254 ACT KJ022291.1
HMAS 173254 TEF1 KJ022406.1
HMAS 173254 TUB KJ022346.1
Thyronectria Thyronectria balsamea Nectria balsamea A.R. 4478 28S HM484567.1
A.R. 4478 ACT HM484508.1
A.R. 4478 TEF1 HM484528.2
A.R. 4478 TUB HM484591.1

Note. *According to the MycoBank databases.


Characteristics in culture and microscopy. Colonies of Corinectria strain N1/NfP5.7 on PDA were slow-growing (1.9 mm/day at 22 ± 1°C) and irregular rounded with a mealy appearance (Fig. 1, a). Aerial mycelium was sometimes sparse, with white/creamy yellow/buff color, sometimes rust near the inoculum block, reverse with diffuse pigment from the center to the margin of the colony.

Fig. 1.

The colony of the Corinectria strain N1/NfP5.7 on PDA (a), carrot-agar (b), MEA (c), and SNA (d).

The morphology of the strain colony on PDA differed from originally described immediately after isolating the strain (Pavlov et al., 2020), which is probably due to the high variability of this trait during storage and regular subcultures of the culture, as well as the composition of the nutrient medium and cultivation conditions (24°C for 14 days, without illumination).

On CA colony was irregular rounded with concentric circles (Fig. 1, b), with abundant, white/yellow/orange aerial mycelium and the growth rate of 2.7 mm/day. On 2% malt extract agar mycelium was abundant, fluffy, white, with time light to dark yellow and ocher (Fig. 1, c). The growth rate on MEA was 2.3 mm/day. On SNA aerial mycelium was sparse (Fig. 1, d), but with abundant sporulation (Fig. 2) in slimy droplets and the growth rate of 0.5 mm/day.

Fig. 2.

Scanning electron microscopy of microconidia in false heads, mycelium and conidiophores (magnification ×470–4700) of the Acremonium-like anamorph fungal strain N1/NfP5.7.

Perithecia in situ formed clusters on wood, often with both developing and mature perithecia in the same cluster; the number of perithecia in a cluster varied. Color was from red to dark red; uniformly red in 3% KOH and yellow in 100% lactic acid. The surface was smooth and shiny, sometimes scurfy and subglobose.

Microconidia on SNA were abundant, hyaline, smooth, non-septate, ellipsoid with a pointed end, pear-shaped, formed on Acremonium-like conidiophores, often in false heads (Fig. 2). The average size of microconidia was 4.2 × 2.4 µm. Macroconidia and chlamydospores were not observed. Conidiophores were hyaline, often branching at right angles, variable in length, up to 110 µm long and up to 5 µm wide at the base, tapering towards the apex, single or sparingly branched, septate. The average length of conidiophores was 59.7 ± 2.3 µm.

Transcriptome sequencing and assembly. As a result of the primary data processing, ~27 Mbp of high-quality paired-end transcript reads in the length range of 30–60 bp with Q > 30 were obtained (i.e., the sequencing error probability was no more than 0.1%). The RNA sequencing data before and after processing are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

RNA-seq data

Parameter Before processing After processing After SortMeRNA
Number of reads 31 925 258 26 896 380 26 441 532
Read length range, bp 35–76 30–60 30–60

According to the SortMeRNA results, the total rRNA content in the sequencing data was 1.51%. Information on the rRNA content is presented in Table 3. The filtered and cleaned RNA-seq data have been deposited at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive database under the SRA study accession number SRR12783070.

Table 3.

rRNA percentage in the sequencing data

Representative database rRNA, %
silva-bac-16s-id90 0.40
silva-bac-23s-id98 0.21
silva-arc-23s-id98 0.00
silva-arc-16s-id95 0.01
silva-euk-18s-id95 0.13
silva-euk-28s-id98 0.71
rfam-5s-id98 0.00
rfam-5.8s-id98 0.00
Total 1.51

The summary information about the assembled Siberian isolate N1/NfP5.7 transcriptomes is presented in Table 4. The longest transcriptome (24 813 047 bp) was obtained using the Trinity assembler with normalization of reads, while the shortest one, consisting of 18 697 543 bp, was obtained using the de novo assembler implemented into the CLC Genomic Workbench. Moreover, the assembly obtained with this assembler contained the smallest number of transcripts – 14 129, while the transcriptome assembled using RNASpades (with soft filtering parameter) contained the largest number of transcripts (27 040). Despite such a variation in the total length of the obtained transcriptomes and the number of transcripts composing them, the N50 values of these assemblies were very similar and ranged from 2211 to 2334 bp.

Table 4.

Main parameters of the Siberian isolate N1/NfP5.7 (Corinectria sp.) transcriptome assemblies

Assembler Number of contigs Total length, bp The longest transcript, bp N50, bp N90, bp
Trinity without normalization 19 295 24 561 211 15 246 2226 521
Trinity with normalization 19 359 24 813 047 15 246 2235 526
CLC 14 120 18 697 543 16 323 2211 552
RNASpades, normal filtration 20 517 23 418 981 16 108 2286 482
RNASpades, soft filtration 27 040 24 166 325 16 108 2226 358
RNASpades, hard filtration 17 379 22 932 680 16 108 2334 570

The BUSCO program results are presented in Fig. 3. The reference ascomycota_odb9 database used for the analysis contained information on 1315 orthologous genes. The BUSCO program results indicated that the most completed transcriptomes were assembled using the RNASpades program (80.6% of completeness). The percentage of duplicates in these transcriptomes was relatively high (8.7%), but less than in assemblies generated by the Trinity program (11.5% and 12.3% of duplicates among transcripts assembled without and with normalization, respectively). The least percentage of duplicates (0.2%) was in the transcriptome generated by the CLC Genomic Workbench program also with relatively high completeness (76.9%). Thus, this assembly of the N1/NfP5.7 strain transcriptome was used for further annotation. The transcriptome assemble has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession GIXD00000000.

Fig. 3.

Assessment of transcriptome completeness based on the orthologous ascomycete genes dataset (ascomycota_odb9).

Transcriptome annotation. Summary of the transcriptome annotation of the Siberian isolate N1/NfP5.7 is shown in Fig. 4. A total of 14 120 transcripts were analyzed, for each of which a match in databases containing information about conservative domains and repeats was found. According to the BLAST results, 10 853 (~77%) sequences have homologs in the non-redundant fungi nucleotide database. For 8296 transcripts (~59%), the GO terms were retrieved. Finally, ~57% of the data (7993 transcripts) were annotated.

Fig. 4.

Summary of the transcriptome annotation of the Siberian isolate N1/NfP5.7.

According to the InterProScan results, the most common repeats in the studied transcripts were WD40 (represented in 88 sequences) as well as ankyrin repeats (represented in 49 transcripts). The complete list of repeats and their abundance are presented in the Supplementary Fig. S1 (Biriukov et al., 2021).

BLAST analysis demonstrated that the largest number of nucleotide homologs for the obtained transcriptome sequences were found in the previously studied ascomycetes Neonectria ditissima (9628 homologs), Fusarium fujikuroi (5904), Nectria haematococca (5294), Fusarium verticillioides (3948), and F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi HDV247 (3828) homologs. Other species in which homologs of the obtained transcripts were found are presented in the Supplementary Fig. S2 (Biriukov et al., 2021). As a result of GO mapping, 608 469 GO terms associated with the BLAST search hits were retrieved. The databases used for GO terms search and the number of terms found in them are presented in the supplementary materials to our previous paper (Biriukov et al., 2021).

Fig. 5, A demonstrates the classification of the retrieved GO terms by the specific functions of the gene product at the molecular level. The most enriched molecular functions were ATP binding (755 terms), the zinc ion binding (610 terms), and the protein and DNA binding (483 and 480 terms, respectively). The classification of the found GO terms by biological functions showed that 906 of the studied transcripts are presumably involved in oxidation-reduction processes, 580 transcripts are involved in transmembrane transport, and 327 transcripts regulate RNA polymerase II transcription. The top-10 represented biological functions are shown in Fig. 5, B. The classification of retrieved GO terms by cellular components showed that the predominant number of transcripts studied corresponds to the integral components of the membrane (2194 transcripts), while 787 and 284 transcripts were identified as nuclear and cytoplasmic components, respectively. Other top-10 cellular components and their representation in our transcriptome data are presented in Fig. 5, C.

Fig. 5.

Top-10 GO terms in each domain: molecular functions (A), biological processes (B), and cellular components (C).

In addition, enzyme annotation through the direct GO to Enzyme Code (EC) mapping was carried out. It has been shown that the predominant enzyme classes in our dataset were hydrolases involved in intracellular processes and destruction of host cell wall composed mainly of cellulose and lignin, as well as in biomass degradation (907 transcripts), transferases (477), and oxidoreductases (323). The distribution of data on other classes of enzymes is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Representation of enzymes classes in the transcriptome studied.

Phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the supermatrix comprised of nucleotide sequences of four genes of 27 fungal taxa in a MSA with a total length of 2152 bp with 331 parsimony-informative sites and 477 variable parsimony-uninformative sites. The best evolutionary nucleotide substitution models selected for tree interference are presented in Table 5. The resulting supermatrix as well as the partition scheme is available as a Supplementary Nexus File S1 at figshare (Biriukov et al., 2021).

Table 5.

Selected nucleotide substitution models for tree inference

Genes and codons Selected model
Btub_c1, 28S rRNA, Act_c1 GTR + I + G
Tef_c2, Act_c2 K81UF + I
Btub_c3, Tef1_c3 TVM + G
Tef1_c1, Tub_c2 F81 + I

Both the maximum likelihood (ML) (Fig. 7) and the Bayesian phylogenetic trees have shown a clear separation of the Neonectria + Corinectria from other genera (100/1 based on ML ultrafast bootstrap and Bayesian posterior probabilities, respectively). The Bayes consensus tree inferred in our study is also available as Supplementary Fig. S4 at figshare (Biriukov et al., 2021). Inferred phylogenetic trees also demonstrated that Corinectria species form a monophyletic clade. The analysis showed also that the isolated Siberian N1/NfP5.7 strain belongs to the genus Corinectria and is the most similar to Сorinectria fuckeliana, but it is still well separated from this (100/1) and other species in the genus Corinectria and may represent a new strain or even species confirming that the Siberia’s isolates have not been studied previously. Moreover, it confirmed the earlier phylogenetic analysis conducted in (Pavlov et al., 2020) in which the supertree approach was used based on the same three protein-coding genes, but instead of the 28S rRNA gene used in the current study the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) marker was used in (Pavlov et al. 2020). Constructed tree from that study also showed a strong support for the clade comprised of four Siberian isolates.

Fig. 7.

Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogenetic consensus tree based on the concatenated nucleotide sequences of four genes. The tree is rooted to Nectriopsis rexiana (N. exigua G.J.S. 98–32 in the NCBI GenBank). Values at branches indicate ML ultrafast bootstrap. For the clades, whose structure was identical to the Bayesian consensus tree, the Bayesian posterior probabilities are also indicated. Taxa names are given according to the current names specified in the MycoBank database, while strain identifiers correspond to the NCBI GenBank entries.


Very little genomic and transcriptomic data are currently available for the Nectriaceae family, especially for the Corinectria and Neonectria genera. In this work, we performed sequencing and assembly of the transcriptome for a strain of the likely new species exhibiting Acremonium-like anamorphs and causing massive cancerous disease of Abies sibirica in Central Siberia that leads to cambium necrosis and dieback. The main purpose of transcriptome sequencing in this study was to provide additional genomic resource for developing genetic markers for phylogenetic and population analyses and for prospective comparisons with other fungal transcriptomes, which are very limited for now and do not allow to use current transcriptome data for species classification. The transcriptome assembly was carried using different assemblers with the aim of further selection of a more suitable assembly for annotation. As shown in the study, assembly using Trinity and RNASpades yielded the longest transcriptomes; however, the duplicates percentage in those assemblies was high (this may be associated with program algorithms that depend on the error number in data, as well as the number of gene isoforms). For annotation purposes, the assembly generated by the CLC assembler was selected since it has the smallest number of duplications. Most transcripts (57%) were functionally annotated, and their main biological processes, cellular localization, and molecular functions were determined.

The annotation results showed that the isolated strain produces a wide range of enzymes, including enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction processes, transmembrane transport, and ATP binding. This fact explains a large number of detected transcripts, the protein products of which are part of an integral component of the membrane. In addition, the enriched enzyme classes were determined. For instance, the most abundant enzyme class was hydrolases involved in intracellular processes and destruction of host cell wall composed mainly of cellulose and lignin, as well as in biomass degradation that may be an important survival strategy for this species.

Annotation results demonstrated that obtained transcripts are enriched in WD40 repeats. These repeats consist of approximately 40–60 amino acid residues flanked by a conserved glycine-histidine sequence near its N-terminus (strand D) and another conserved tryptophan-aspartic acid dipeptide at its C-terminus (strand C). WD40 repeats-containing proteins are widely distributed among eukaryotes and perform diverse cellular functions: they participate in such important processes as G-protein-mediated signal transduction, cell division, RNA processing, transcription regulation (Mylona et al., 2006), ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation (Higa et al., 2006), chromatin modifications (Ruthenburg et al., 2006), and other processes (Smith, 2008; Stirnimann et al., 2010). In addition, they mediate the formation and regulation of dynamic multi-protein functional complexes through protein scaffolding based on protein-protein interactions (Stirnimann et al., 2010; Jain, Pandey, 2018). Interestingly, it was also demonstrated that WD40 repeats might regulate fungi fruiting body formation by controlling essential steps in eukaryotic cell differentiation (Pöggeler, Kück, 2004).

The transcriptome data obtained in this work also provided an invaluable resource in phylogenetic analysis and molecular identification of the isolated species. Phylogenetic analysis was mainly aimed at determining the taxonomic status of the pathogen genus rather than species. Phylogeny results confirm the hypothesis that the discovered Siberian isolate N1/NfP5.7 may represent a new species within the genus Corinectria due to the well-supported separation in both ML and Bayesian phylogenetic trees from other Corinectria species included in the phylogenetic study. Moreover, it confirmed the earlier phylogenetic analysis by Pavlov et al. (2020), where the constructed trees showed strong support for the clade comprised of four Siberian isolates separated from other Corinectria species. Pavlov et al. (2020) used the supertree approach and the same three protein coding genes used in the current study plus internal transcribed spacer (ITS) instead of the 28S rRNA gene used in our study. Moreover, in Pavlov et al. (2020), only a single model of nucleotide substitutions was used for all genes to construct a phylogenetic tree. In our research, we determined the best substitution model for each gene separately and, moreover, even for each codon position for protein-coding genes. This approach is more accurate and better reflects the evolutionary processes in organisms. Therefore, our research complements their study. However, to confirm a unique species status of this isolate and to provide a new scientific name for this species, more isolates must be described, and a large-scale phylogenetic validation analysis is required.

Sequencing and analysis of the transcriptome allowed us to simultaneously address two tasks - to identify phylogenetically the pathogenic strain that causes the disease of Siberian fir, and also to study the quantitative representation of transcripts of different genes, possibly associated with the pathogenicity mechanism of this strain. Transcriptome analysis is the best approach for studying the expression of different genes at the genome-wide level. Transcriptome assembly obtained with CLC Genomic Workbench in this study provides also additional genomic resources for the Nectriaceae family and can support further genetic investigations of the pathogenicity of the discovered species to A. sibirica and other conifers as well as its distribution. We also hope that our results can help other similar studies, which will advance our understanding of the host-fungi interaction mechanisms.

The authors are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for carefully reading the manuscript and making valuable comments that helped us improve it. This study was funded by the Research Grant N 14.Y26.31.0004 from the Government of the Russian Federation and was carried out also within scientific projects № 0287-2021-0011 and № FWES-2022-0003 funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

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